38: Azkaban

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17 August: Grimmauld Place

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17 August: Grimmauld Place.

"I don't like this," Hermione murmured, having second thoughts as she hesitated with her hand on the doorknob.

"Neither of us do, Hermione," Harry replied, placing his hand over hers as he turned the doorknob. "But we have to."

As they entered the room, Harry half-expected some sort of magical defense mechanism to expel intruders, especially considering Sirius' mischievous nature, but he was relieved to find none.

Although Harry had stayed in the house on several occasions and had passed by the room in the hallway, this was the first time he truly took in its details. The room was spacious, with a large bed featuring a carved wooden headboard, a tall window covered by velvet curtains, and a chandelier. The walls were adorned with pictures, some of which he recognized as his own.

As they ventured further into the room and Ron closed the door behind them, Harry noticed Gryffindor banners, pictures of Muggle motorcycles, and, to his surprise, a poster of a bikini-clad Muggle girl on the back of the door. Nevermind Walburga, he was more shocked that Josette allowed such a poster to hang there.

"Let start then," Harry exclaimed, clapping his hands. "Malfoy and Ron, side-tables. Hermione, check the bathroom. I look into the closet."

With that being said, Draco and Ron began rummaging through the drawers of the side-tables, while Harry meticulously searched the shelves of the closet.

Hermione opened the bathroom door and emitted a startled cry, exclaiming, "Ah! Blood!" The three individuals swiftly approached her side, following her gaze to the laundry basket, which contained the very shirt Josette had worn during the battle of eight Potter. Its collar was stained with blood from her injury.

"Why did you scream over a mere shirt?!" Draco scoffed, returning back to his table.

"I was taken aback, sorry," Hermione murmured, as everyone resumed their previous tasks, while Hermione commenced her search of the bathroom.

They endeavored to discover anything that appeared peculiar, out of place, or potentially concealed compartments where important items might be stored. Thus far, their efforts had yielded no results. Just as Harry began to believe their endeavors were in vain, his hand brushed against something smooth and rectangular beneath a stack of blankets on the top shelf. Harry withdrew the object and discovered it to be a wooden box.

Upon opening it, he found the interior to be filled with photographs. He perused through them, encountering several delightful memories. The images depicted the five marauders swimming in the black lake, trips to Hogsmeade, picnics, Lily, Severus, Josette and Meredith playing in the snow, they didn't look eleven so he figured it must be before Hogwarts. Some very cute photos of Sirius and Josette during Hogwarts and after that. Additionally, there was one capturing the moment of Harry's birth, seemingly taken at St. Mungo's. There was Lily cradling him in her arms, James tenderly kissing Lily's forehead, Sirius, Josette, and Remus surrounding them. Harry felt relief that Peter was absent from the photograph, presumably because he had taken it.

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