17: Mistakes, Crimes & Rage

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When Frigga died, it was as though the realm was draped in an everlasting night. On the day of the procession to Valhalla for all those who had fallen upon the swords of Malekith's army, nearly every man, woman and child appeared by the water's edge, to farewell their queen and others among the dead.

Among the mourners was the All-Father himself, silent throughout the entire ceremony, but he was not alone, Thor was by his side, helping each other through this grief. Behind them stood Josette in her new ceremonial armor, which Frigga left behind for her. Sirius was also wearing Asgardian cloths, honoring their tradition and grieving along with all the subjects. Loki, on the other hand had been locked in his cell, hundreds of feet below the palace.

Josette felt anger rise inside of her, Loki had made mistakes, big ones undoubtedly, but it was his mother who had just died. Her gaze burned holes in the back of Odin’s heads, she respected him, but these last few years no one from Asgardmade contact with her even though she tried and there's no doubt Allfather put everyone upto this. Or There's no chance Frigga or Heimdall would ignore Josette's cry for help.

The ceremony began and she stopped staring hatefully at the King, her eyes now fixed on the lifeless body of the one person she had loved most in this family. The tears rolled down her cheeks as Allmother floated away and then spread in the stars to join Valhalla. She hugged Sirius, seeking comfort in his arms. Sirius was quick to wrap his arms around her.

As soon as Odin left, ending the ceremony, the rest of the royal family followed him back to the castle. The corridor they were in was empty, as it led back to a part of the castle only few could enter.

Josette looked around and saw it was just the four and Jane, she was not present at the funeral but she was standing at the door waiting for Thor. So, Josette let her rage out as she ran and stood in front of Odin, blocking his path. "Would you explain why Loki wasn’t present at his mother’s funeral?"

"He is a prisoner." Odin replied, his heart aching for being so harsh and putting his duties as a king before than those of a father.

"I could just...I.." She was shaking with rage and was about to threaten him but then remembered he is the king who also lost his wife.

“I’m going to see him.” she said, her voice calmer than it had been seconds before, “Do you have a key to enter his cell?” 

Thor stepped forward and gave her the key without hesitation.

"I will meet you back at our room." She said to Sirius. He nodded, understanding they needed to be alone.

She descended into the chill of the dungeons, striding hastily past cell after cell, until she arrived in front of Loki's cell.

Loki was lying on the lavish bed that had been provided for him, he may be a criminal, but he was, after all, a prince, with his arms placed comfortably above his head. "Back from the funeral, I suppose?" Loki called with no hint of emotion, without so much as a glance in Josette's direction.

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