36: Hero

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"Bill, I am scared," Fleur nearly sobbed

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"Bill, I am scared," Fleur nearly sobbed. She had every right to feel scared, angry, and sad even, the Death Eaters had just ruined their wedding.

"Do not worry. Everything will be alright," Bill consoled her, wrapping his arm around her and other holding onto Amy, who was trembling with fear.

Fortunately, all the guests had managed to escape, but this gave the Death Eaters an advantage. The Weasleys and Delacours could not confront them alone, especially when the lives of their children were at stake, so they surrendered. Sirius and James fled, realizing they could not stay any longer. If the Death Eaters captured them, it would be their end. Tonks was unable to apparate due to her condition, and Remus refused to leave her alone, so he stayed as well. Andromeda could not find Ted and refused to leave without him. Narcissa also chose to remain with her sister.

The Death Eaters had gathered everyone in the now ruined marquee and seated them on the ground in the middle of the dance floor. Some lower-ranking Death Eaters kept a watchful eye on them.

Gabrielle silently wept on her sister's lap. Their parents maintained a cold gaze, concealing their fear. Molly rested her head on Arthur's shoulder, holding Ginny tightly. Charlie, Fred, and George were outside, being interrogated by the Death Eaters about Harry Potter's whereabouts.

Ted, Luna, Xenophilius, that Delacour family member and the auror who were unconscious outside after the Imperius curse lifted off of them, were now being brought inside by Rabastan Lestrange.

His gaze fell upon Andromeda, who smiled with delight upon seeing Ted. He seized Ted's arm and pulled him back, while the others took their seats.

Andromeda glared at the Death Eater.

"Andromeda Black. Imagine my pleasure upon finding your name on the guest list," he smiled.

"It is Andromeda Black now."

His grin only widened. "Soon, it will be Lestrange."

Andromeda looked disgusted.

Rabastan flicked his wand, causing Ted to collapse to his knees, a cry of pain escaping his mouth as he struggled to regain control of his body.

Andromeda rushed forward, but Rabastan seized her by the arm, his grip painfully tight as he held her in place. She struggled to break free, but her efforts only seemed to amuse him.

"We know that Harry Potter was here. We have some questions for you," he said, running his wand along her jaw. He still recalled the humiliation his family faced when Andromeda ran away from their engagement. And for what to run off with a mudblood? Now he will take pleasure in taking this seeming perfect life from her, starting with her husband. "And who knows, perhaps we will have some fun while we inquire."

Tonks attempted to rise, but Remus restrained her, whispering, "Not now."

"Get your fucking hands off her." Ted shouted.

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