16: Useful

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19 December: Kings Cross Station

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19 December: Kings Cross Station

Last night was a bit blurry; everything happened really fast. Josette pulled James and Severus aside to discuss Draco's living arrangement during the holidays. Then all the other professors arrived just to check out what the commotion was about. Before leaving, they dragged Harry and Draco back to the castle. James and Harry didn't even share a word. So, basically, this is the first time they have met since the start of the year.

"How was school?" James asked, giving his son a quick hug.

"Great." Harry smiled. "Me and Hermione got into the Slug Club."

"He still does that?!" James frowned. That was the only club he wasn't invited to, and it hurt his ego.

"What about you, Ron?" Molly asked.

"I made it into the Quidditch Team. Keeper." Ron said.

"And he has a girlfriend." George said.
"Lavender Brown." Fred added.

Ron glared at Hermione. He didn't tell anyone about his relationship, but Hermione 'accidentally' wrote to Fred about it.

"Sorry." Hermione awkwardly smiled, hiding behind Fred.

"Lavender Brown? I don't think I know her." Molly wondered.

"What about you?" James whispered.

"I...well...no." Harry said, looking at Ginny.

"Ah! Something happened." James gasped, "I know it."

"Dad! Hush!" Harry whisper yelled. "I will tell you when we get home." James chuckled seeing his son's red face.

Harry then saw Draco walking towards them. "What do you want, Malfoy?" He thought Draco was just looking to create trouble.

Hermione looked at him and gave him a faint smile. Draco responded with a nod.

"Walk away, Malfoy." Ron added.

"Ron." Molly sternly said, lightly squeezing his shoulder.

Draco didn't say a word, waiting for James to explain. He was already informed about this last night. Did Draco agree with this? No. Did he have another choice? Absolutely not.

"Draco is coming with us, Harry." James said he regretted not discussing this last night instead of starting an argument in the middle of the station.

"Why?" Harry frowned.

"We will discuss it once we get home." He said


"I said, we will discuss it once we get home." He repeated. "Goodbye, Molly. We will see you at Christmas."

"Happy holidays." She smiled and rushed all her children out of the station.

"Come on, Harry, Draco." James said, walking away.

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