3: Fool

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18 May 1968: Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

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18 May 1968: Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts.

"Why did you apply for the DADA position, Tom?"

"Hogwarts-" Tom said, remembering Saint Wool's "-has always been like a home to me. I can think of no better place to return to for my career. All those young minds, full of potential. I wish to teach and provide a nurturing environment for my students just as my professors did before me."

"Hmm…" Dumbledore stretches back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Tom. He suspects the young man of something more than just teaching here. He could always feel something more dark in him. But he can't prove anything yet. "You are very young for this position...perhaps more experience..."

"I am just as qualified for this position as anyone. I worked at Borgin and Burkes and learned a lot more about dark arts and how to defend from them." He obviously didn't wanted to say 'how to defend from them' "I studied under Professor Chang about dark creatures for 2 years. You will find a letter from him in there." He pointed at the file in Dumbledore's hand.

"True enough, true enough," Dumbledore nodded popping another lemon candy into his mouth.

Several moments pass, in which Tom thinks of seven different ways to curse Dumbledore, when finally he says "Thank you for the interview, Tom. An owl will be sent for you if you've been hired."

Tom gave him a fake smile. This formality with owls is nothing but an distraction. Tom knows that he's the best candidate for this job, he even tracked down the other applicants to study their resumes and none were as impressive as his. If Professor Dippet were still headmaster, he would have hired Tom on the spot but no, Dumbledore has to review his credentials again. Dumbledore is going to reject his application, Tom knows it.


"So, did you get the job??" Mortis asked him.

"He hasn't said anything yet but I know I am not getting it." He said. "What about you?? What do you do for living?? From what I know, you have no education and you know about little next to nothing about wizarding world."

"I..um.. I don't."

"It's almost three years and I still don't know anything about you. I don't even know where you live." Tom chuckled, trying to sound cool about it.

Mortis laughed nervously. "I just... my mom doesn't like me being friends with mor- anyone really."

Tom keeps asking her these little questions trying to get something from her but he couldn't seem to get anything besides 'It's complicated' 'Something like that' 'leave that for some other time'. It's been three years and she still talks like this and now it was getting annoying.

Tom hasn't been this patient with anyone else. What intrigues him more is her mother. She says how her mother hates muggles and is a really powerful witch, yet her daughter is oblivious to this magical world. She hasn't even gone to any of the schools or studied magic or even has a fucking wand.

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