Chapter XLVII

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"Do you think she'll except it?" Hyunjin asked and Felix looked at Hyunjin confused.

"Who will? What are you talking about?"

Hyunjin looked down in his lap and chuckled softly, "Your mother, do you think... she'll accept us?" Hyunjin looks at Felix who stared back at him with his brown doe eyes. Felix looked at the engagement ring on his finger. He then smiled and nodded. "Yes, she will." Felix said reassuringly as he looked at Hyunjin. Felix then later his head against Hyunjins chest, snuggling closer to him as he and Felix locked hands. Hyunjin stares at the ring, "I wish I could've asked for her blessing first, it would've been the proper thing to do."

"Are you worried to won't be a good son-in-law?"  Felix giggles looking at Hyunjin. "You helped us find each other again. After all those years. Why wouldn't she accept you?" Felix then kissed Hyunjins cheek. Hyunjin felt his heart beginning to pound in his chest. Hyunjin then leaned in and pecked Felix on the lips. "I am gonna be a damn good son-in-law." He whispers against Felixs lips, Felix giggles again as Hyunjin kissed him once more.

Hyunjin felt as if the world had stopped spinning...

He couldn't breathe as he watched cops swarm Felixs apartment and people from the neighboring building crowded and whispered amongst each other.

Then he heard a familiar voice.

"We were supposed to meet for lunch but he didn't show and—"

"What happened?" Hyunjin asked making Seungmin and the police officer interviewing him jump. "Jesus, you scared me!" The officer groans, looking at Hyunjin like he was crazy.

Hyunjin looked at Seungmin. "Where is he?"

"I don't know. When I came here after he wasn't returning my calls and text, his place was empty, the living room was mess...and they're saying..." Seungmin trailed off as he looked to ground.

"What? Tell me!" Hyunjin demanded.

"They're were saying that there were signs of a struggle, there couldn't have been a break in. There were no broken windows or broken down doors..." Seungmin continues

"And because Felix is no where to be found... it's possible that it...was a kidnapping." Seungmin finished.

Hyunjin stumbled back as he gasps.




Hyunjin tuned out everyone around him as he tried to process the information.

"Sir? Sir?" And officer called out to him.

"Sir did you know the person that lived here as well? If so I need you take make a statement-" Hyunjin suddenly stormed off and jumped into his car and drove off.

His heart was pounding. He couldn't breathe. Tears pricked his eyes as his chest tightened.

Hyunjin stumbled back as he gasps.

Felix, the only person that he loved in the entire world... couldn't be gone..


I can't lose you... Hyunjin said to himself as his eyes began to darken...

I won't.

Felix gasped as a bucket of cold water was thrown on him. For a moment he couldn't breathe as his body ached.

Where am I ?! Felix began to panic as his eyes widen, he felt his body slightly swaying from his movements and the he realized that he was tied up by his hands to the ceiling of this unknown room that is damp and reeked of mold.

"Finally your awake." A voice spoke. Felix lifted his head up to see where it came from. Felix whimpered as he slightly pulled at the roped that tied his hands.

Suddenly a pair of black boots came into view which made Felix look up.

"It took him long enough. I was worried I was gonna have to do this myself." Jeongin scoffed.  Felix eyes widened in shock and am fear.

He tried to speak but his words were muffled by the cloth gag in his mouth. Jeongin laughed, a wicked laugh. "You sad little thing. Did you really think you could just take what doesn't belong to you and expect to get away with it?" Jeongin says in a mocking voice.

Confused, cold, and terrified Felix let out a sob as he stared at Jeongin. Jeongin glared at him in disgust. "Tell me what did he say to you, hm? That he loves you? So much that he proposed to you?" Jeongin pulls out Felixs engagement ring from his pocket. Felixs eyes widened as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Jeongin looked at the Felix then back at the ring. "I will admit yours is a bit shinier than the one he gave me." Jeongin scoffed then stuffed the ring into his pocket.

"Whatever hope you holding on to that Hyunjin will find you, you might as well lose it now. Because by the time he does find you. You'll be a dead." Felix chokes on a sob.

Felix cried as pulled on the ropes hoping they'll break while Jeongin laughed.


Hyunjin please help me...

I'm scared.

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