chapter V

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Hyunjin Hwang

I was told by the Director Hong that she interviewed someone to take on the role of being my new assistant. I'm meeting him today. I couldn't care less about this new assistant since none them can do their damn job.

I'm more focused on Jisung and his road to revenge, I want  to get him a seat at my company so that he can himself one his feet and earn money.

I'm in my office flipping through pages of contracts and business deals when there's a knock on my door.

"Mr. Hwang, your ten o'clock is hear to see you." One of my employees announced.

My new assistant...great.

The door opens and a young man walks in, he looks to be my age possibly younger, He has fluffy blonde hair, dark beautiful brown eyes, his freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks.

He's... pretty.

He looks so familiar.

He looked ate almost in surprise, like he has seen a familiar face as well.

"Are you just going to stand there?" I finally said breaking the awkward silence. "Oh, I'm sorry." He gasps softly as he scurried to the chair in front of my desk.

He gives me his resume and I open.

I look up at him then back at his resume.

Felix Lee?

"You little shit, I'll kill you!"

"Get off me!"

I hear the sounds of fists landing and screams, Jisung, Changbin and I stopped in our tracks. We followed the screams to the back of the school where there was a boy being beaten.

He looked like he was about to die.

"What hell are you doing?" I yelled.

The boys stopped and looked at me. "What, you know this freak?" On of them asked me.

"No. But I'm pretty sure that 'freak' doesn't deserve to be beaten to death." I replied.

"Why don't you just mind your own business..." One of the guys steps in my face. "Before you get hurt."

"Do you know who I am?" I said.

"Yeah, I know who you are. Your Hyunjin Hwang, son of a thief. Are you gonna go cry to your daddy if I don't stop." He laughs, he turns around to the rest of his friends and before he could take another step I yank him back by the collar of his shirt and whisper in his ear...

"I'll hurt you. I'll have your body in a ditch, your heart cut out of your chest, and you balls shoved so far down your throat. And no one will know what happened to you..." I threaten.

"He'll actually do it." I hear Changbin say from behind.

" he's a pyschopath."

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