Chapter XXVII

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Hyunjin Hwang

I'm in my office when I get call, I answered it seeing that it was Mr. Park.

"Mr. Hwang, I have the information on Felix Lee." He announced.

"Good—" before I could say anything more I was interrupted by Miss Hong knocking on my door, she walks in with an employee beside her. The employee looked terrified as miss Hong held her arm tightly.

"Mr. Hwang we have a problem." She said urgently.

"Mr. Park, can we meet later, we talked then." I spoke into the phone. Mr. Park agrees and I hang up the phone, I dart my attention to the employee.

"What's wrong?" I place my phone on my desk.

(@OctoPlushies, thanks for the idea 😉)

I'm starring at the laptop of my employee, it's a video of me and Felix in the elevator, having sex.

I look up from the laptop at the employee then back down at the laptop. "Where did you get this?" I scoffed.

"I...I didn't mean to—I was only—"

"Answer the damn question." I ordered, my voice serious.

She stammers again, tears pricking her eyes. Her lips quivered as she struggled to form words.

"Answer me, or so help me I will—" I felt myself getting angry.

"I was told to do it!" She blurts out, a tear runs down her cheek.

"Told? Told by who?" I sneered.

"Mr. Yang... please I needed the money—he said that I should work for him, and my debt will be payed—"she sobbed.

"Does anyone else know about this?" I asked Miss Hong, "No," She answered.

The last I need is the board to see this.

I sighed heavily. "I want the footage of the elevator, I want it gone. Destroy this laptop and..." I stood up from my desk and looked that employee.

"Your fired." I stated and she gasped, more tears streamed down her cheeks. "There's nothing wrong with my employee's salary's." I grumbled quietly to myself.

Felix Lee

I walk into the break and I see two employees talking and whispering amongst themselves.

I sit down at a table when the to employees followed me, they wore almost a disgusted look on there face. The exchanged looks to each other then look at me.

"You must have no shame." The woman spoke with scoff, "I'm sorry?" I question, I was confused...what did she mean...?

"Oh don't play dumb. Do you always use your body to get what you want?" The guy says glaring at me.

"You have no right to where this!" The guy snatches my necklace of my neck, he broke the clasp and it hurt. "What are you doing?!" I yelled trying to grab the necklace back.

"Are you and Mr.Hwang really... having sex?"

My heart drops...

Did he tell everyone?

"W-What?" I choked out in shock, I fight to hold back tears. " fucking...Mr. Hwang?" The woman approached me until my back hit the wall, I was shaking.

"Please leave me alone." I shudder, "You acted so innocent, like an angel who only looks up to God. Your a sinner. Not only having a sex with a man, but your superior?!" She laughed.

I felt angry, my hands make a fist.

"We worked so hard to get this job, and you were practically hired right away—did you seduce me. Hwang?" The guy taunts.

"Get away from me!" I push the woman away and she stumbled back, she has a shocked look on her face.

"You son of bitch!" The guy shouts and suddenly I'm hit with stinging pain against my cheek making me fall against the wall. 

"What fuck is going on?!" A loud voice yelled. It was Hyunjin. Through my tears I could see Hyunjin walk over to me and crouch down beside me.

"Hey, are you okay. Are you hurt?" He sounded worried as he caressed my red cheek, I immediately push his hand away, not want to confirm the employees accusations.

Hyunjin eyes immediately darken as he looks over at the employees, the woman to a step back. I can see the fear strike them when Hyunjin approached him.

Hyunjin snatches the necklace out of the guys hands, the guy was to stunned to move. Hyunjin punched him and the man fell to the ground with a groan. Hyunjin continues to punch him as the woman screams running out of the office.

"Hyunjin stop!"  I sobbed rushing over to pull him off of the man. He doesn't stop.

"Hyunjin don't, you'll kill him stop!" I tried to pull him off grabbing his arm and shoulder, his fists are red and bruised, the guys face his covered with blood as he laid unconscious on the ground.

Hyunjin looks at me, the my necklace was smudged with blood.

I've never seen him do this...I didn't know he could do this, especially to in public to one of his employees.

I was shocked but also...scared.

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