chapter IV

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Felix Lee

I spent almost all money for a some new clothes am for my interview that I'm currently sprinting too right now.

I really hope I get this job. I've never been so desperate.

"Remember Felix, if your hever having a hard time. You can always come back to us."

I walk into The Cafe  I was told be at and I see a woman wearing a black suit with a high sleek ponytail; she's typing away on her laptop with a cup of tea beside her. I hesitate before walking over to the table.

"Miss Hong?" I called to her softly causing her too loom up fr her laptop. "Your late." She sighed impatiently.

Only by two minutes

"I-I'm sorry, traffic was a bit busy today." I chuckled

She doesn't say anything and continues to type on her computer. My heart is pounding and not because how fast I was running to get here, its because my anxiety is eating me up—

"Name." Miss Hong suddenly spoke.

"Felix Lee." I answered

"Where you born?"

"Sydney, Australia."

"Any family?"

"No, um. I'm an orphan." I choked out. Miss Hong stops typing and looks ate in my eyes.

I grasp my pants leg. I hated that word so much.

"You mom abandoned because your a nuisance Felix. You will always be a nuisance."

I swallow and it was a hard lump, it hurts.

"Do you take any medication, do you do any drugs or substances of any kind?"


Miss Hong clears her throat as she slides a thin folder to me.

"What's this?" I asked as I slowly open the folder.

"A contract. Meaning while working at Hwang Industries, everything you see or hear cannot be talked and gossiped about outside the workplace."

I read the contract until I saw an empty spot for a signature.

"Do you accept?"

"So I got the job?"

"Do. You. Accept?" She asked again in a stern voice as she held out a pen.

I hesitate, my breathing is shaky as I take the pen in my hand. I sign it and she takes back both the pen and the folder.

She stands up from her seat and packs her laptop in her bag.

"You'll get a call tomorrow. For an interview with the  Chairman of Hwang Industries. He'll like to see who his new assistant is." She walks out the Cafe.

I sat there in the booth, processing what just happened, questioning if made the right decision joining such a big company.

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