chapter XVII

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Felix Lee

I've done something...wrong. Something sinful. It felt so good yet it was wrong. It all happened so fast, I should've stopped him but...I wanted him.

A week has gone by since the elevator, Hyunjin and I haven't spoken a word to each other, or at least I haven't... i'v been trying my best to avoid him but it's harder than I thought since I'm his personal assistant.

I'm working at my desk when I hear a knock on it, I look up and see Hyunjin, "Can I talk to you?" He says.

I hesitate then I nod and follow him into his office.

He shuts the door behind us, "What's wrong?" He he sighs stuffing his hands inside his pockets starring at me, his eyes scanning my body.

"I-I'm sorry?" I choked out, I know he means—what he wants to talk about—"You've been distant. Ever since the elevator, you have barely said a word to me. Your avoiding me...why?" He approaches me and continues to do so until I'm against his desk. where to run.

"I'm a virgin." I swallow those words. "I...was a virgin." I look down. He takes a step back, I can see that he's shocked. "Are you serious?" He asked, I nod in response.

His crosses arms of his chest as he exhales deeply. "Do you... regret it?" He asked.

"No, No, of course not...I guess I wanted it to." He replied. A part of me does regret some of it, but I wanted him too. God please forgive me.

There was a moment of silence between us, then he lets out a wry chuckle. "So does this you follow me around like a puppy then?" He smirks tilting my head up with his finger on my chin to face him.

Hyunjin Hwang

His eyes are glistening as he stares at me, I wouldn't want to do anything that makes him uncomfortable in my presence. I kiss him on his lips gently, I pull away when I feel his hand on my chest.

I've never been with a virgin before, I heard rumors that once having sex with a virgin they can become attached to that person.

I then hear yelling outside my door, "Mr. Yang you can't!" I heard Miss Hong shout seconda before Jeongin comes barging into my office.

I unconsciously put my arm in front of Felix as I was trying to shield him.

I look at miss Hong through furrowed brows. "I'm sorry sir we couldn't stop him—"

"What do you want Jeongin?" I asked.

"To make things right." He pants. I scoffed I'm disbelief. "Listen, I know I've been bad. I see that now." He walks up to me. "Please, let's talk about this over dinner, hm? If we can rekindle what we once had, may we at least be friends?" He pouts.

He drags his hand along my chest. "Your drunk, Jeongin. You need to leave." Jeongin stumbled back. "What?" He gasps.

He then glances over my shoulder looking at Felix then he looks back at me and laughs. "Oh, you can't be serious!" He laughs. Mouth at a Miss Hong to call security.

"Are you serious? Him?!" He shouts, trying to approach Felix but step in front of him stoping from coming any closer to Felix.

"Jeongin, leave." I demanded. "He's only using you." He says, Felix looks at him.

"I guess the other assistant couldn't satisfy your sexual cravings."

Felix's makes eye contact with me, pure discomfort in his eyes...

I grab Jeongin by his shoulders trying to push him away, "He's just going to do the same to you, he'll break you and when he's done... he's just gonna throw you away, like nothing." Jeongin looks at me tears forming in his eyes.

"Isn't that right, hm?"

"Shut up, Jeongin." I growled. Security finally came and dragged Jeongin out as he continues to shout and swear, causing a scene.

I turn to Felix, I touch his cheek to wipe the tear away, he removes my hand away, "is it true?" His voice cracks looking at me.



" of course not." I wanted to hold him but he pushed me away shaking his head, "I need to get back to work." He sniffles as he walks out of my office.

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