Free vs Lui

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Last we left off Free and Lui united forces against Pax, engaging in an intense battle as a formidable team. Meanwhile, Korra faced off against Kuvira, their clash inadvertently causing the emergence of a third spirit portal. Within the spirit realm, Korra and Kuvira found common ground for the first time, leading to a breakthrough in understanding. Through Korra's persuasion, Kuvira agreed to cease hostilities. However, Pax remained undeterred, relentlessly attacking. Just when all seemed lost, Free and Lui pooled their remaining strength for a final attack that ultimately defeated Pax. After the fight was over Lui challenged Free to a battle with Free accepting the challenge.

We know see Air temple island with Free looking at the horizon that's when the others including Shanks and Cynthia joined him.

Kai: It's time, Free.

Said Kai causing Free to turn to them.

Free: Alright.

Tenzin: Good luck, Free.

Jinora: Yeah, we're rooting for you.

Bolin: You can do it.

Korra: Good luck, Free.

Cynthia: You got this, son.

Shanks: Knock him dead.

That's when Asami as well as Hiroshi walked in surprising the others.

Bolin: Hiroshi? 

Korra: They let you out?

Hiroshi: Yes, thanks to my contribution during the battle against the giant, they decided to let me out of prison, though I'm under house arrest and am unable to leave home without someone supervising me.

Bolin: That's good.

That's when Hiroshi turned to Free.

Hiroshi: Free De La Hoya I'd like to thank you for saving my life that day. Thank you. I'm in your debt.

Said Hiroshi bowing to Free.

Free: It's fine; what I did that day was normal. Now, let's go.

Said Free as he and the others started making their way with the bison to the agreed meeting place for the battle.

We then cut to the group flying over to some sort of mountain area  where Lui along side the Beifong family were waiting.

Lui: You finally made it; I was starting to think you chickened out.

Free: In your dreams.

Lui: This place is empty; no one lives here for miles and miles, meaning we can fight to our hearts' content.

Free: Exactly what I wanted to hear.

said Free as he and Lui stood off promoting the others to leave start making their distance.

Suyin: Good luck, Lui.

Wing: Yeah, rip him to shreds.

Opal: We're rooting for you.

Said Opal before she and the rest proceeded to make their distance leaving Free and Lui standing off.

Free: I hope you're ready to lose.

Lui: Heh. The one losing here is you.

Free: Wrong. I'll win.

Lui: We'll see.

Said Lui as he activated his Nightmare Boost while Free used his Full Power mode.

Mako: Looks like they're going all out from get go.

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