Forged connection

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Last we left off Free, Jinora and Kai went to the spirit realm where the encountered Iroh and discovered the identity of the voice that Free has been hearing.

We know see the group explaining to Tenzin everything about Frees dream and what they learned in the spirit realm.

Tenzin: Fanir huh? I know that name,Fanir is an ancient spirit, but one day he simply vanished. That's about all I know about him. Information about him is very limited. How many times did you say you saw him in your dream?

Free: Two times so far, he hasn't appeared in my dreams again, and I don't know how to contact him.

Said Free which caused Tenzin to hum in thought for a few seconds.

Tenzin: Why don't you try to contact him through meditation?

Says Tenzin which causes Free to tilt his head in confusion.

Free: Eh.

Jinora: Of course, before her connection with the past avatars was severed, Korra used to be able to talk with the past avatars through meditation. If you are able to use Fafnir power, then maybe you like Korra in a way. Maybe Fafnir is merged with you somehow , so maybe you can build a connection with fafnir through meditation.

Tenzin: Exactly.

Explained Tenzin and Jinora which causes Free to look to down on ground in thought before looking up.

Free:Sure, why not? It's worth a shot.

Free then sat in the lotus position and closed his eyes an Tenzin began instructing him on what to do.

Tenzin: Now relax and try to focus on that feeling you felt when you first met Fafnir and used his power

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Tenzin: Now relax and try to focus on that feeling you felt when you first met Fafnir and used his power. Try to focus on your connection with Fafnir and strengthen that connection to allow yourself to contact him, and most importantly, try to listen to it and synchronize with Fafnir.

Free did as he was told and stayed like that for a few seconds before he began feeling a weird feeling as he opened his eyes he was surprised to see that he wasn't in the north temple with the others he was back in that dream space and he saw Fafnire waiting for him but he was still covered by the yellow tornado.

Fafnir: Hello Free.

Back to the real world the trio was all staring as Free as a gold aura began surrounding him again he seems to be in some sort of trance.

Kai: Is he okay?

Jinora: He seems fine. It seems that it worked, and he's most likely talking with Fafnir right now.

Tenzin: Indeed, we should watch over his body while he's with Fafnir.

Back with Free he and Fafnir were starting at each other.

Free: So your Fafnir, huh?

Fafnir: Indeed, though I had planned to reveal to you my identity myself, it is what it is. I can tell you have questions. Go on, ask any question you want, and I'll answer it to the best of my abilities.

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