Day of colossus

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Last we left off Kuvira and her army attacked republic city and after she and Pax demonstrated their Powers Raiko gave up and decided to surrender however the team refused to give up and attempted to kidnap Baatar Jr. to use him as bargaining chip against Kuvira and Pax however they were all shocked when Kuvira fired the spirit canon on the team's hideout.

The remnants of the factory lay scattered, rubber strewn across the scene, a wall blasted apart by a lightning strike. As the dust settled, the team emerged from the wreckage, all accounted for except Baatar Jr., who remained unharmed but unconscious in his mothers arms. that's when Free turned to the group.

Free: Is everyone okay?

Kai: Yeah, but what was that move you did back there?


Everyone continued to run out of the factory to avoid the spirit canon however they couldn't escape in time prompting Free to get in front of the group.

Free: Get behind me!

Ordered Free before pushing his hands forward as the blast made contact causing it ballon into a purple orb around them not harming the group before exploding bringing the building down.

*End of Flashback*

Free: I used Energybending to redirect the blast, protecting us from harm.

Kai: Energybending?

Free: Yeah, it's a trick I picked up during my training.

And while that was happening Tenzin jumps to a rooftop with Airbending to see the giant mech and a platoon of smaller mechs making their way to their location much to his horror. He then jumps down to the group.

Tenzin: Kuvira is heading our way with a platoon of Mecha suits.

Said Tenzin shocking the group.

Lui: Well, crap.

Asami: What should we do?

Free: For starters we should probably leave the area before they get here.

Bolin: Yeah, and maybe we should consider letting Kuvira take the city for now and think of some way to come back and beat her and Pax.

Mako: But what about all the people who haven't been evacuated yet?

Lui: True, if Kuvira finds out the prince is with them she will fire that spirit canon at them without hesitation killing them all.

That's when Korra chimed in.

Korra: I couldn't stop Kuvira from taking Zaofu I'm not letting her conquer Republic city. The world isn't safe as long as she has that weapon and Pax.

??: I agree.

Said a voice causing everyone to look up to see Lin.

Lin: We take down that giant today.

Lui: *smirks* Great. cause running away is not my style.

Korra: *happily* Lin!

Lin: Gland to see you all made it out. You had me worried.

Said Lin walking down.

Varrick: well, you bender are gonna have to fight them alone. Kuvira just blew up our factory with our hummingbird suits.

Asami: Not all of them. There are the prototypes back at my office; if he can get those ready to fly, we'll at least be able to offer a little air support.

That's when Korra turned to Suyin.

Korra: Su, you take Baatar Jr. and the rest of the wounded to Asami's office. *turns to Asami* Get those suits working as fast as you can; the rest of us will just have to face Kuvira on our own.

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