Original Airbenders

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Last we left off Lin apologized to Opal for yelling at her and has finally made up with her sister after so long.

We cut to the Northern Air temple with the airbenders that were freed from the Earthqueen gathered together as Tenzin was telling them a story with most of them not paying attention and Free and Kai were sleeping through the story .

Tenzin: His pupils once again pleaded with their master to let them eat something, but he refused, just like he had each day the entire summer. Instead, he simply meditated, getting his nourishment from the universe, so monk Tan Ju completed the 97th day of his historic fast on which island?

Asked Tenzin as the only one who raised his hand was fat man with glasses and green eyes and black hair.

Tenzin: Anyone besides Otaku who has studied this in his acolyte training?

Otaku: Oh oh oh.

Tenzin: And is answering every question.

Otaku: Oh oh.

After seeing that no one was interested he motioned the man known as Otaku to answer.

Otaku: Weighatale island.

Tenzin: That is correct,again. Now on day 98.

However Tenzin was interrupted when he heard laughter coming from the airbenders and turned to see Bumi with Bum-Ju on his head 

Bumi: Greetings, earthly people I come seeking boring stories to take back to the spirit world.

That's when Bum-Ju flew out which caused Bumi to fall on his back which caused the airbenders  other than Free who was still asleep to laugh while Tenzin looked unamused.

A few moments later we cut to Tenzin flying in the sky with Oogi and preforming a few maneuvers and flew above the Airbenders who looked on in awe and landed before them.

Kai: That was incredible. When do we get to fly around in our own Bison like that?

Tenzin: Only after many years of practice and intense training.

Said Tenzin shutting their hopes down.

Tenzin: Besides, we don't have nearly enough Bison here for all of you.

Kai: What about those? It's a whole herd of Bison's.

Said Kai while looking at a herd flying by.

Tenzin: Actually, the plural for Bison is Bison.

Said Tenzin though the others didn't pay him much mind and continued to stare at the herd of Bison that's when Free walked over while stretching and yawning.

Free: Yo. What did I miss?

Kai: You won't believe it; there is a whole herd of bison flying over there.

Said Kai while pointing at the herd.

Free: Cool.

Said Free with his usual bored expression.

Kai: So, can we ride those?

Asked Kai turning to Tenzin.

Tenzin: No, that's a wiled herd; it would take many years to tame them. Now, let's get back to our lessons

??: Dad!

Called out a voice as Tenzin turned his attention to where it was coming from to see his kids Meelo and Ikki as well as his wife Pema and sister Kya along with more airbender flying towards them on top of a bison.

Meelo: We brought you more Airbenders.

Said Meelo as they landed on the ground as the Airbenders went to greet the new Airbenders.

legend of Korra golden boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora