After All These Years

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Last we left off, Korra was poisoned by the Red Lotus, which forced her into the Avatar State, though they underestimated her power. Korra quickly broke free and attacked the Red Lotus and fought Zaheer, though before Korra could finish him off, the poison took effect and prevented her from doing so. As Zaheer was about to attack, Free intervened and fought Zaheer, and with airbenders help, managed to beat him. After Jinora got her master Tattos, Lui came and proposed a deal to Free that after 3 years of training they would fight, to which Free agreed.

We now cut to republic city with everyone standing in front of the Central City Station with Raiko holding a public ceremony with Asami standing next to him.

Raiko: And of course, my biggest thanks go to Asami Sato and Future Industries. They brought our old centra terminal into the modern era. Ladies and gentlemen, the world is entering a new era of peace and prosperity. Soon, Prince Wu will take his rightful place on the Earth Kingdom's throne.

Said Raiko as the press started taking pictures of Wu, who started smiling and posing for the camera.

Raiko: And thanks to our updated rail system, Republic City and the Earth Kingdom will be united like never before.

Said Raiko before giving Asami th honor of cutting the ribbon signifying the opening of the station as the audience cheered.

A few moments later we cut to Wu walking up to Asami as she was talking to the press.

Wu: Hey there, Asami, right? Great train house. Maybe you could give me a personal tour sometime. What do you say?

Asami: I do like the idea of putting you on a train and sending you far far away.

Wu: Haha. That's funny I like funny dates; maybe I should introduce myself. I'm Prince Wu, future king.

Asami: Yeah, I'm aware of who you are.

Wu: Don't let my reputation intimidate you. I'm still human, just like everyone else, only more human, like extra human or super human.

Asami: Super huma?

Wu: So what do you say? Can I show you a low-key night out with a superhuman soon-to-be king?

Said Wu while trying to impress her with his eyebrow movements, though the Sato heiress was unamused.

Mako: Price Wu.

Said Mako getting the their attention.

Make: President Raiko has some really important stuff to talk to you about.

Wu: Now? *sighs* Fine.

Said Wu disappointed before turning to Asami.

Wu: Thinks over the offer.

Said Wu before blowing a kiss her way

Wu: I'll be back.

Said Wun before walking over to Raiko while Asami rolled her eyes.

Mako: He's a real charmer, Huh?

Said Mako turning to Asami.

Asami: He's something. How can you stand being his bodyguard?

Mako: Well, I just remind myself that once he's on the throne, I go back to being a detective.

Asami: And that works?

Mako: I also go home and smash my head against the wall for an hour, you know, to get the stress out.

Said Mako causing Asami to laugh.

Asami: It's good to see you, Mako. It's been too long. You hear from Bolin lately?

Mako: I haven't talked to him for a while, but he's coming in a few days for the coronation. And Beifong told me that Korra is getting in tonight.

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