In Harms way

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Last we left off with Free having a weird dream with that weird silhouette after that Free had a conversation with Jinora and they both bonded over their love for spirits and became friends.

While Korra was venting her anger out Mako and Bolin came and told them that the earth queen have been forcing air benders into her army which angered korra the queen then showed up and tells them that they reserved word of an air benders at the Yang province and wonders if they will leave but Asami was able to come up with an excuse and the queen leaves after threatening the secretariat that she will have his head if she finds an animal in her precedence.

We now cut the group sitting in the living room discussing what they learned.

Tenzin: I can't believe the earth queen is conscripting air benders.

Korra: Those people should not be forced to join an army.

Bumi: Well technically the earthqueen has a right to conscript her citizens.

The group then looks at Bumi.

Bumi: What it's true.

Free: I mean technically you're not wrong.

Jinora: Guys what if Kai was spotted air bending? He might have been taken too.

Asked Jinora in worry.

Bolin: probably not he's surprisingly difficult to catch. Like a little greased hog monkey.

Free: I don't know if that idiot was spotted air-bending; I don't see him escaping two or more Dai Li agents.

Said Free which made Jinora even more worried but Korra then walked over to her.

Korra: Don't worry, Jinora, we'll find him; we just need to figure out where to look.

Said Korra trying to comfort her.

Free/Mako:I bet / They're probably under lake laogai.

Said Free and Mako causing the group to look at them surprised.

Free:*tilts his head* Is there something on my face?

Mako: I've been reading some of Jinoras books the old Dai Li agents used to have a secret fortress beneath the the lake.

Jinora: Mako is right. It's the perfect spot to hide an air bender. And I know how to check it out without being caught. I can project my spirit into it.

Socking the others and confusing Free.

Free: You can what?

Bumi: You mean that out of body thing you did to help giant spiritty Korra?

Tenzin: You can still do that?

Jinora: It's not as powerful as it was during harmonic convergence, but it could get close enough that I think I can do it.

Free: So basically you can Astral project?

Asked Free.

Jinora: Yeah.

Free: Huh, neat.

Korra Then puts her hand on Jinora shoulder.

Korra: Let's go get Kai out. Let's go get all the air benders out.

We cut to Korra, Jinora, Tenzin, and Free who was asked to tag along when they arrived at Lake Laogai.

Tenzin: If anything goes wrong come back immediately.

Tenzin says to Jinora who was sitting in a Lotus position.

Jinora:*Smiles* I will.

Jinora then projects her spirit there, though, to her disappointment, there wasn't anyone there. Jinora then returns to her body and gets up.

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