Beyond the Wilds

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A/n: I'm skipping the remembrance episode.

Last we left off Free and Korra returned to republic city each reuniting with their friends with Free having a rematch with Kai that he won while Kuvira was secretly harvesting Spirit Vines from the swamp.

We now cut to republic city with Ryu preparing  to guide a group of tourists into the Spirit Wilds. Among the tourists are his parents; his  proudly declares how happy she is that he is an , and that he is doing "important stuff", while his father is less than impressed. Annoyed and embarrassed by both his parents, Ryu begins his tour. Inside the wilds, Ryu tells the tourists about the vines being the result of Korra's battle with UnaVaatu, but the tourists seem to be rather dim about it; Ryu is slightly annoyed by the questions one particularly dim tourist poses to him. When the tourist points out that a vine is moving toward them, Ryu is unsure of how to address the issue; the tourist decides to poke it with a stick, despite Ryu pointing out the stupidity of such an act, and the vine suddenly wraps around him and lifts him in the air. Ryu tries and fails to free him, and, as more vines begin to accost them, the rest of the group is quickly taken as well; Ryu is the last man to be dragged away

We then cut to Air temple island with Korra playing with Naga as Opal walks over looking angry.

Korra: Everything okay?

Said Korra walking over to Opal.

Opal: No, Kuvira has my family, and no one seems to care but me.

Said Opal causing Korra to put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Korra: We all care don't worry we'll get them back safely.

That's when Jinora flew over to the duo.

Jinora: Guys, there you are. I just felt a weird surge of spiritual energy coming from the spirit wilds. Something is wrong.

Free: So I'm not the only one.

Said Free walking over getting the groups attention.

Free: I, too, felt that we should check it out.

We then cut to Free, Jinora, Korra, and Opal in Republic City investigating the spirit wildes.

Opal: Are you sure you guys felt a disturbance? Maybe you just had bad food for breakfast.

Free: Yes, we're sure. Come to think of it, shouldn't that guy's tour group be here?

Jinora: His name is Ryu, and you're right, we should have run into them by now.

Korra: Yeah, but it's Ryu; they could be at the mall for all we know.

Jinora: Korra, can't you feel how strange the energy is?

Korra: No, but maybe I can get a reading.

Said Korra placing her hand on a spirit vine and used the technique Toph taught her to feel the energy from the vines which shows her Kuvira's army cutting down the banyan-grove tree causing her to gasp in shock.

Opal: Korra, what is it? Are you okay?

Korra: It was Kuvira. I saw her taking vines from the swamp. It must have affected our spirits wilds. I bet that must be what you two were sensing, Jinora and Free.

Jinora: Why is she taking vines?

Free: I'm willing to bet that it's related to that important thing that Kuvira said her fiancé was working on. I did forget to mention that during the battle at Zaofu, I sensed an explosion of spiritual energy that might be related to that project too.

Opal: Then we have to tell Raiko. This might help him convince the other leaders to finally take her down.

Jinora: I'll keep looking for Ryu and the others.

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