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Last we left off Free and Korra fought Lui and Kuvira respectively however each battle had a different out come while Free and Lui were evenly matched and had to end their battle midway Korra got dominated by Kuvira but luckily she was saved by the Airbenders and then began  making their way to Republic City.

We know cut to Air Temple Island with Pabu approaching a sleeping Naga and starts to play-hunt her tail, biting it in the process. Hearing Pepper groan upon its descent, Naga immediately perks her head and, seeing Korra enthusiastically wave at her, takes off in pursuit of them, with Pabu hanging off her tail. As soon as Pepper lands, Korra jumps off welcomes Naga with open arms; the ecstatic momentarily lifts Korra in the airs with her snout before they start to cuddle.

Korra: I missed you so much, girl.

That's when Free jumped of Pepper and started looking around.

Free: It's been a while, and I wonder how everyone's been these three years.

Jinora: They're doing great, and they'd be happy to see you again.

That's when Ikki and Meelo ran past them.

Meelo: Mom! Dad! We're back! And we've got Korra and Free!

That's when Bumi walked over and gave Korra a bearhug 

Bumi: Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Pum-Ju and I sure missed you; that goes for you too, kid.

Said Bumi turning to Free.

Free: Nice to see you too.

Korra: It's so great to see you again, Bumi. You too Bum-Ju.

That's when Tenzin and Pema walked out and hugged Ikki and Meelo.

Tenzin: Well done, kids. I'm proud of you all for finding Korra and Free.

Meelo: Proud enough to get me my tats?

Tenzin: No.

Said Tenzin angering Meelo and causing Pema to chuckle. Tenzin then walks over to Korra and the two share a hug.

Tenzin: Welcome home.

Korra: I missed you, Tenzin.

Free: Yo.

Said Free walking over to Tenzin.

Tenzin: It's good to see you again, Free.

Free: It's good to see you too.

Tenzin: Now, I hate to get right down to business, but I want to hear what happened in Zaofu.

Said Tenzin causing Korra to look down.

Bumi: Way to ruin the moment.

Opal: Kuvira's whole army was there she captured mom, dad, and my brothers.

Free: We tried to negotiate, but that didn't work, so we resorted to fighting. Korra fought Kuvira while I fought Lui.

Tenzin: You guys fought? How did it go?

Free: Me and Lui were relatively evenly matched, but we had to stop midway because I had to help Jinora and Opal protect Korra, who got dominated.

Said Free causing Korra to look down.

Jinora: Free!

Korra: No, Jinora. He's right I thought I could take her, but I ended up getting my butt kicked. I feel like such a failure.

Tenzin: No one expected you to handle Kuvira on your own; it's up to all of us to deal with her. We're just glad to have you back.

Free: Plus, crying and mopping over your loss isn't going to help you in the long run, so get over it.

legend of Korra golden boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora