Enemy at the Gate.

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Last we left off Tenzin's children managed to find both Free and Korra and informed them what has been going on while they were away and not only that but Korra finally managed to get the finale bits of the mercury poison out of her system which allowed her to enter the Avatar State once again.

We now cut to a bunch of Earth empire airships and tanks making their way through the valley that houses Zaofu. We cut to inside Kuvira's train to see Lui, Baatar jr, and Kuvira with Baatar fixing the button on his wrist while Lui and Kuvira looked through the window.

Lui: Home, sweet home.

Baatar Jr: By this time tomorrow, my mother will have signed our treaty, and the Earth Empire will finally be united.

Kuvira: Don't get ahead of yourself.

Said Kuvira surprising Baatar Jr.

Kuvira: Securing your home town won't be like every other city.

Baatar Jr: Zaofu stopped being my home long ago, and I'm ready to take it by force.

Kuvira: No, the eyes of the world are on us now; we must do this right. That's why we need Bolin.

Baatar Jr: Do you really think we can rely on him.

Kuvira: Su trusts him; she'll listen to him.

And while that was happening Lui was thinking about something else completely.

Luinor: 'Partner, you sense that, don't you?'

Lui: 'Yes, it's Free and Fafnir's presence, as well as the Avatar, and they're headed here.'

Luinor: 'Indeed, this can only mean that the Avatar has been found and that Free's training is complete, which also means that the inevitable showdown between us and Free and Fafnir is coming.'

Said Luinor which caused Lui to smirk in excitement as his hair began flaring up.

Lui: ' Yes, and I'm really looking forward to it.'

We then cut to the Free, Jinora, Korra, Ikki, and Meelo flying to Zaofu.

Jinora: Are you sure we should be going to Zaofu? Dad wanted us to bring you and Free back to Republic City.

Korra: If Kuvira is heading to Zaofu, so am I; she needs to know that the Avatar is back, and the world needs to know.

Free: Yeah, I hate to be the guy who rains on your parade, but are you really back one hundred percent?

Said Free surprising everyone.

Korra: What do you mean?

Free: You spent three years without training and mostly focused on recovery. Not only that, but I was told you had visions of Zaheer and yourself in the Avatar state. Getting the poison out may have helped you physically, but did it help with your mental block with your PTSD? 

Asked Free which caused the group to remain silent and shocked Korra.

Korra: How did you-

Free: Me and Fafnir can sense your connection to Raava, you know, and while yes, it's back, it's not as strong as it used to be. So I'm going to ask you: Are you really up for fighting Kuvira? I mean, we can try talking to her peacefully, but I highly doubt that would work, which means we will need to fight her, so are you up for this?

Asked Free causing Korra to look down in contemplation before looking at Free with determination in her eyes.

Korra: Don't worry I'll be fine.

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