The boy with golden hair

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After 170 years, there are new air benders in the world. After being exiled from Republic City, Korra has made it her mission to find all the air benders. There were countless reports of air benders popping up in the Earth Kingdom, but they didn't have such great luck getting the air benders to join. That changed when they finally got a kid named Kai to join them, and now they are trying their luck in a small town in the Earth Kingdom before heading to Ba sing sae.

As Team avatar made their way into the village they were welcomed by the chief.

Chief: Avatar Korra It's an honor to welcome you and your friends to our town, and I assume you came here because you heard the reports about the air benders.

Korra: Thanks, and yeah, you're right. Where can we find them?

Chief: They live right there.

Said the chief while pointing at a house near the end of the town.

Tenzin: Alright, then let's head there right now. Thank you, chief.

Chief: My pleasure.

The group made there way to the house and knocked on the house they were greeted by a beautiful woman with blonde hair and and grey eyes who seemed to be in her early thirties.

The group made there way to the house and knocked on the house they were greeted by a beautiful woman with blonde hair and and grey eyes who seemed to be in her early thirties

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??: Ah, your avatar Korra my name is Cynthia De La Hoya it's nice to meet you.

The woman who's name was revealed to be Cynthia introduced herself she then turned inside and called someone.

Cynthia: Honey, come down here quick the avatar is here .

Suddenly a tall man with tanned skin, red hair hair and black eyes walked out.

Suddenly a tall man with tanned skin, red hair hair and black eyes walked out

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??: Hello Avatar it's an honor to meet you I'm Shanks De La Hoya.

The man who's name was shanks introduced himself and reached his hand for a hand shake which Korra accepted.

Korra: Hello It's nice to meet the both of you.

Cynthia: If I may what brings you and your friend here?

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