Chapter 37: Interlude 3: Secrets

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As the group of students, teachers, and pros made their way out of the gym, most forming groups, large and small, discussing amongst each other, Kyoka held herself in the back, looking at her phone warily. Particularly, at the ID of her current text buddy: Zayden.

Jiro was completely thrown off by the sudden messaging of the unknown entity that has, by his own admission, been watching over them, interfering now and then, the most recent interference being The Space Adventures of Captain Bucky O'Hare that Eri held in her hands. And despite Zayden's mostly generous attitude towards the U.A. group, i.e., the lightsaber crystals and construction manual, there was still precious little any of them knew of about the enigmatic entity, his relation to Wiz's and Boomstick's device, or how he was able to interfere and watch them from some unknown place. The only things that had Jiro eased, or easier to convince being at ease, were the previous helpful interactions and the friendly demeanor he seemed to hold over certain members of her group, like Eri.

'I mean, if he really is a 'he',' Jiro thought, not sure where the sudden assurance of the entity's pronouns came from.

Jiro's phone vibrated, as the punk girl had quickly put it on silent to keep their conversation hidden. The message it held said, "Yes, I am a 'he', or the closest approximation to a 'he' by my kind's standard. Also, don't be wary about offending me. I'm not as soft as those morons on Twitter. Or is it X in this timeline?"

Jiro almost tossed her phone at the message, wide-eyed and alarmed that Zayden had also easy access to her thoughts, piecing it that if he could read her mind, then could he read everyone else's? And should this kind of information be brought forward to the teachers? Or would such actions incur the wrath of this unknown 'he'?

And then, right on cue, another message popped up. "Please, feel free to inform the teachers if you so like after today." Zayden's message began. "I simply require a moment of your time and discretion."

Jiro had half the mind to angrily text back at him to stop reading her mind, but she knew it would be pointless, the being likely reading her mind right now. Before she could allow for another text to suddenly pop up to reply to her thoughts, Jiro texted back. "Who are you? What do you want? How did you even get my number?"

She waited as much as she could before she had to move, she didn't want anyone to get suspicious. Then another text came. "For the moment, let us wait until you are at your dorms. Wouldn't want the others to get suspicious of our talk, now do we?" Zayden's message read. Another came up saying, "Text me back when you find a safe enough spot to chat in peace."

The cryptic messages screamed danger in Jiro's mind. "Why should I trust you?" She typed back.

She waited, every millisecond one too long. Before she could shut her phone off, a reply came. "Because this is for Izuku's sake."

Jiro halted, every cell in her body growing cold. She stared at the message with fear and trepidation. Was this Zayden threatening Izuku's life? Or was this message to her this entity's means to communicate and help save Izuku's life?

"Jiro?" Kyoka whirled her head up, looking startled at Melissa who had spoken. Likely seeing her startled reaction to her, Melissa's brows furrowed, concerned. "Are you okay?"

"O-Oh, y-yeah, I am," Kyoka stuttered out, sending her an apologetic smile. She had hidden her phone behind her back, turning it off and hoping she didn't just cut off the cryptic entity. "Sorry, you spooked me there for a second."

"What had you all so concentrated on?" Melissa inquired, curiously, her brows softening at Kyoka's reassurance.

"O-Oh, I-I was just looking up some of the songs that my phone downloaded from the device," Kyoka made up the lie on the spot, silently thanking Ms. Midnight and Mr. Aizawa for their classes on quick improv. "Just seeing if any of them had music videos like the last one with Greenie as Spider-Man."

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