Chapter 35: Fulgore vs Sektor

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Third POV

With the new seating arrangements settled, mostly so Midoriya could keep Mei tethered to her seat and away from the device, Izuku pressed the button on the remote, playing the next Death Battle.

"Cyborgs," Boomstick began, dramatically. "Are fucking badass!"

"Cool, it's another robot fight," Kaminari grinned, excited.

"Though, in contrast to Terminator vs RoboCop, this seems to only have cyborgs instead of cyborgs vs androids," Melissa deduced.

"As someone with my own cybernetic arm that suffers constant glitches, I have to agree!" Wiz admitted/revealed. "Cyborgs are awesome!"

"Wait, Wizard has a robot arm?" Uraraka tilted her head in question.

"Nice to see that we are getting more information about the makers of the device and these videos," Thirteen commented. "Though, I wonder why he had to get a robotic arm in the first place?"

"I'm guessing with his profession as a scientist, of sorts, and his workings with the multidimensional technology that an accident saw to the loss of his arm and a prosthetic one in its place," Cementoss suggested.

"Like Fulgore, the metal monster of Killer Instinct." Boomstick introduced the first fighter.

"And Sektor, the ninja cyborg from Mortal Kombat." Wiz introduced the latter.

"That's another fighter for both the Mortal Kombat world and this Killer Instinct World," Iida made note of. "Midoriya, how many is that?"

"For the Mortal Kombat World, that appears to be 4," Izuku reviewed his notes on Shang Tsung, Raiden, and Shao Kahn before looking over the Killer Instinct reps. "And for Killer Instinct world, if Riptor is part of that world like Koda pointed out in Orchid's fight, this is the 3rd one."

"Totally should've been Cyrax," Boomstick muttered, showing a yellow and silver version of the Mortal Kombat cyborg fighter.

"THERE'S MORE?!" Mei exclaimed, once more trying to reach the device and hound it for more information, only to get reeled back in by Midoriya.

"Huh, there's another cyborg guy that looks just like Sektor," Sato pointed out. "I guess he's Cyrax?"

"So, Boomstick wanted Cyrax to fight instead," Ojiro muttered scratching his chin. "Could Cyrax perhaps have more in common with Fulgore than Sektor?"

"I guess we will see," Todoroki shrugged.

The sounds of gears and mechanics swerving sounded before a smack was sounded. "Ahh! What the hell?!" Boomstick exclaimed in pain.

"Oh, sorry, arm's glitching up again," Wiz, sarcastically, apologized.

"When you least expect it, Wiz," Boomstick warned. "When you least expect it."

Chuckles and giggles were shared at the hilarity of Wiz's and Boomstick's bromance.

"I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick, and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle." Wiz finished the intro.

The first fighter looked way more like a standard robot than a half-human, half-robot. Multiple versions of the fighter were shown, some more advance and robotic, others more streamlined like a suit of armor, yet there were some major constants between designs. Standing ginormous and menacingly, the robotic menace had a large bulk for its upper torso with a skinnier waist. Its arms were bulky and large, with two blades of laser-like plasma shooting out from each forearm, the blades curved and ending just in front of its knuckles, the design resembling the bladed gauntlets of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles villain: The Shredder. Its legs and feet were likewise robotic, and its head was perhaps one of its more menacing features, showcasing large, menacing, glowing red eyes, no visible mouth in what looked like a mouth guard, with tubes sticking out from the back of its head to the sides of its jawline like a respirator. The strangest design was the hair, or something similar in appearance to hair, shooting out the back of its head in a plume, like a knight's helmet.

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