Chapter 14: Mario vs Sonic

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Third POV

After a minute of talking over the previous fight and speculation over a suspicious doctor, Mei pressed the play button for the next fight.

"Their rivalry is legendary and their fame unmatched." Wiz began.

"Wait how can their rivalry be legendary if they never-"

"IS YOUR BRAIN THAT DUMB, DUNCE HEAD?!" Bakugou interrupted Kaminari's question. "This was just like that Haggar vs Zangief fight! They are fictional to their world, but real in their own worlds!"

"Wow." Mina said amazed. "It's always jarring to remember that 'Kacchan' actually has brains under all that meanness."


"After battling an unofficial battle of 2 decades of fame and popularity, this match will meet its decisive end." Wiz continued.

"I have been waiting for this forever!" Boomstick yelled out excited.

"These two must be really popular for they to get so excited over." Melissa said.

"Mario, the whimsical Italian plumber." Wiz introduced the first fighter.

"And Sonic, the hyperactive hedgehog." Boomstick introduced the second fighter.

"Huh?" Sato said. "What's so special about some Plumber dude and a hedgehog?"

"This Sonic is clearly the same one that was referred to as Shadow's rival from the last video." Todoroki answered. "And from what we've seen, I wager that he has just as fast speeds as Shadow and a similar Super Form."

"However, the Plumber is still a mystery." Momo pointed out. "I guess we will see in this fight."

"I am Wizard and he's Boomstick, and its our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle."

The first fighter was a short, slightly chubby man. He wore blue overalls with golden yellow buttons, a red shirt with sleeves and large white gloves, brown shoes, and a red cap on his head, a white circle with a red M on the front of the cap, and tuffs of brown hair sticking out from his sides. The man also had a large blue eyes, a comically large nose, and a large mustache. He appeared to the group jumping out of a wide green pipe that came out of the ground, the Italian Plumber jumping up in the air, fist raised high.

The students chuckled a bit at his large nose and mustache. Eri and Kouta didn't know why they smiled so wide when they saw the fighter, but they felt that this Plumber just projected happiness and whimsy.


"Mario is one of the Seven Star Children, children born with the potential for greatness, and possesses many special abilities with the intent of protecting his home, the Mushroom Kingdom." Wiz revealed.

"Seven Star Children? Destined for Greatness?" Kyouka said. "Kind of reminds me of some plot point in an anime."

Said universe's own child of greatness started to admire the red Plumber and hero for defending his home.

"So he is a hero in his world." Mirio said. "Isn't that cool, Eri."

Eri nodded, her eyes filled with child-like wonder.

"Even as a baby he was obviously destined for greatness." Wiz continued.

The scene shows a Baby Mario being guarded and protected by a group of Yoshis.

"Oh yeah!" Pony cried out. "He's the same baby that Yoshi from before helped!"

The students looked at the scene and nodded at Pony's claim, noticing the same large nose and red cap.

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