Chapter 5: Haggar vs Zangief

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Third POV

Fast forwarding a boring, uneventful Death Battle later.

The group sighed as the boring Death Battle finished. It was certainly an interesting match-up, but a match-up that nobody wanted to see a whole video on.


"For once, I agree with Bakugou." Todoroki said. "Even if they were to come to our world, they would be pretty easy to take down."

"Alright alright, enough trashing the weak minions." Kirishima said. "Let's move on to those muscly dudes from that preview."

Mei moved onto the next video, showing images of large muscular men.

"Capcom has produced hundreds of deadly warriors, but few can best these hulking leviathans." Wiz started.

"Haggar, the mayor elect of whoopass!" Boomstick said.

"And Zangief, Russia's red Cyclone." Wiz says.

The guys of group were excited at the names and looks of the two fighters, especially the more meat headed, muscly types like Kirishima, Bakugou, Sato, and Tetsutetsu. The heroes like All Might and Death Arms were also interested in these two giants of pure muscle.

The females of the group were less interested, focusing more on how strong the two combatants are and some looking slightly disgusted at Zangief's rather large amounts of chest hair. Only Miruko seemed to be the most excited of the group wondering how strong they were.

"These two wrestlers have never met in person but their rivalry is legendary and it's about time they duke it out!" Boomstick said excitedly.

"How does that make sense?" Sato asked. "How can they have a legendary rivalry if they had never met?"

"Sato, remember how the note said that their Death Battle videos were originally showcased on the internet and how that some universes are seen as fiction or entertainment in their world?" Izuku said.

"Yeah." Sato confirmed.

"Well it could mean that in that world, Haggar and Zangief were viewed as similar individuals that others wanted to see fight so they must have received requests to see them fight." Izuku explained.

The group nodded their heads at the explanation and continued the video.

"I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick, and it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle." Wiz introduced himself and his partner before the battle started.

The first fighter was a muscular man that appears to be in his early-to-mid forties with a thick mustache and brown hair. He wore jeans, supported by a shoulder-belt strap. Some depictions show him wearing finger-less gloves.

Mike Haggar

"He looks so manly!" Kirishima yelled.

"Look at that mustache." Kaminari said. "It's looks glorious!"

The girls chuckled at the boy's enthusiasm and admitted that he did look rather powerful.

"Standing 6'7 and weighing 266 pounds, 30 of which is in his manly mustache, it's Mike Haggar!" Boomstick introduced.

That mustache comment earned laughs from the group, especially from Kota.


MHA Watches Death Battle (Hiatus)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora