Chapter Twenty One- Carrie

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Chapter Twenty One-


"I'm kinda surprised I was allowed to come over. I thought you had helicopter parents." Bash comments from my bedroom as I try to finish up doing my hair in the bathroom.

I invited him over to get ready for the dance with me. I don't have many friends, and I feel more distant from the ones I do have now that Moth has moved. Though I know they like me, it feels weird talking to his friends when he isn't here. I feel myself gravitating toward Bash. Honestly, there's something comforting about the way he likes me when nobody else does.

I prepared for the dance tonight by forcing Julian and Carson to spend their Saturday having an '80s movie marathon with me. Carson was stuck with me because Sawyer offered to pay me to babysit her while he and Teagan took the twins to their first tee ball game, and Julian felt sorry for me because I had originally planned to do all of this with Moth.

I was planning to dress him up like my personal Ken doll and make him take me to the dance. It would've meant a lot to me because I knew he only agreed because it was what I wanted. It's nice that Bash offered to go with me so I wouldn't be alone. I appreciate him being here, but I know tonight would've been so much better if Moth were here instead.

I finish putting Sawyer's gel in my hair before walking back into my room, stopping in my tracks when I catch Bash changing. He's in just his boxers, so the rest of his body is on full display.

"Oh, sorry," I mumble, turning my back to him so he can finish. I blush and reach my cold hands up to touch my cheeks, hoping I can dull the redness before responding to his earlier question. "They just don't want me around boys by myself. They don't trust me, but Sawyer remembers you from when we were younger. He thinks you'll be a better influence on me than some of the other people I hang out with."

"Like your boyfriend?" He asks, shuffling slightly before tapping my shoulder. I turn red again when I turn back around to face him. His shirt is pulled up to his chest to allow him more room to put his belt on.

I love Moth and I don't want to date anyone else, but Sebastian is objectively the most eligible bachelor at our school. It's for good reason too: his abs are hot, he's sweet and kind to everyone, parents love him, he gets good grades, and he's pretty charismatic. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone thinks I'm stupid for not jumping at the opportunity to date him, but I don't care what they think.

"Yeah. Sawyer doesn't like him." I admit, trying to keep my eyes off of him while his abdomen is still visible.

"I mean he was kind of a delinquent." Bash mumbles, before sighing softly like he didn't mean to let his thoughts slip out. He gives me an apologetic look when I don't respond. "Sorry, I should've kept that to myself. I didn't mean to offend anyone."

I purse my lips. I know Moth wouldn't be offended, but part of me is upset that Bash is judging him so quickly. It makes me wonder what he thinks of me. I shake the thoughts out of my head and use my hand to slick my hair back again, letting my fingers play with the teased ends. "It's okay. How's the mullet look?"

He accepts the change in topic and goes along with it. "It looks great. I love your hair. It's the first thing I noticed about you."

I smile and watch him attempting to tuck his shirt into his pants. After seeing him struggle with it, I walk closer and show him how to fold his shirt at the sides to make it more seamless. I take my hands off his warm hips once I finish helping and step back to look at the final product. He's wearing an oversized turquoise suit like businessmen did in the 80's. They were all about being comfortable and formal at the same time so they wore suits that were too big to have more wiggle room. Honestly, Bash pulls the look off quite well.

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