The End

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I am so amazed, so grateful, so thankful, so blessed, and settled by how this story turned out.🥹

It was not an easy write for me, as I had to face some things and I was also overcoming some things as I wrote it, so it was somewhat difficult to write on some days.

This story healed a lot for me. It reminded me of the faithfulness of God. As Obadiah discovered the truth about God, the simplicity of his faith in God's word was convicting to me...His faith caused me to examine myself and grow.

I pray Obadiah's story blessed you. I pray you learned something. I pray you want to seek the Lord and find Him faithful. (He is. He can't change His ways.)😌

The Lord knew what I needed when He called me to write this book.🥹

It ended on such a beautiful note.

I just loved it.

Thank you all for reading, commenting, voting, sending me encouraging messages about how it's blessed you and more.🫶🏽

I am so grateful.

I love how the story ended without finishing their lives. It's always that way, but this time is different for me. I can see how the door has been left open for Obadiah and Guinevere to fall deeper in love, their family to flourish, and their faith to blossom.☺️

I just really loved this story, Obadiah, and Guinevere.🤭

Once again, I thank you all for being here.

I'd like to know what was your favorite part or thing about this book.

Mine was when Obadiah realized the Lord was good. His tears were so precious and I understood how he felt.🥹


I'm done.

Obviously, I'm not leaving for good.

The Lord knows how much I adore writing, so He's already given me a new story.

More details(Not really) will be published soon(hopefully today!)

Adios, for now!✌🏽

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