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It was Saturday.

A beautiful sunny day.

Guinevere and her children, along with Mrs. Delores, were out and about in town.

It was the day she brought eggs into town to sell them. And because her sweet darlings were growing, she had to purchase fabric to make new clothes for them.

Guinevere counted the coins Mr. Daniels at the restaurant had given her for three dozen eggs and sighed.

It would do.

Isaiah ran in circles around Mrs. Delores, whose joyful reaction fueled more excitement in the little boy.

"Everything all right, dear?"

Guinevere nodded absentmindedly.

Even with her salary as a teacher and egg selling, they still lacked.

But, the Lord was faithful to provide.

Still, seeing the lack she had made her hope falter.

"Dearie, why don't you get something for yourself from the mercantile? I'll take these little ones into the fabric store," Mrs. Delores suggested, but it wasn't a suggestion.

It was a gentle command.

She knew that Guinevere needed time to herself and something special.

She also knew that money didn't grow on trees for the sweet woman, but she never complained.

Guinevere laughed softly. "Oh, if only it were that easy,"

Maybe one day.

"It can be, dear. Do you believe?"

The question was simple, but Guinevere had to think.

Did she believe that her money problems could easily be solved?

She relied on the Lord to see her through when money was short, and He could do all things, but she didn't know how.

"I don't know, but I'd like to," She confessed, making Mrs. Delores smile.

"I hear, I believe, but help my unbelief. Do you know the verse?"

Guinevere nodded.

"So, go." Mrs. Delores took Lydia from Guinevere and then held her hand. "He is even faithful to help our unbelief," She winked and let go of her hand.

Guinevere looked down and found a fifty-cent coin.

"Mrs. Delores, I-"

"Go." She insisted and took the children into the fabric store, leaving Guinevere dumbfounded, but grateful.


Just for her.

But she couldn't spend it solely on herself. She would get something for her darlings.

After placing the coin in her coin purse, Guinevere crossed the street and entered the mercantile.

She'd visited before, buying candy for Isaiah, but never had she come with the intent to buy something for herself.

It was silly, but she felt wealthy for a moment.


She nodded politely at Beaumont, the owner, and walked to the candy section.

Isaiah loved the strawberry candies.

Lydia was too small for candy, but she could taste a candy cane.

Joy rushed through her heart as she freely picked the candy, knowing that she wouldn't be ashamed or come up short at the register.

It was simple, but it wasn't.

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