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He hadn't let go of her hand.

Not that Guinevere minded.

Obadiah wanted to be with her.

He saw her, wasn't ashamed of her, and was choosing to pursue her.

This was the loveliest dream she'd ever had.

He hadn't said a word since their confession, but the silence was special.

The children were still asleep, and she had no idea where Obadiah was taking them, but he was the only one she trusted to take her to an unknown destination.

As he stated, she was safe with him.

She trusted him.

Still, it didn't stop her from questioning him.

"Obadiah, can I ask where you're taking us?"

He eyed her from the corner of his eye and shrugged.

For a moment, she'd forgotten how quiet he used to be.

She didn't quite mind now, though, in the beginning, it irked her as she taught him and questioned him, only to receive a shrug.

She understood that he was a man of a few words. He didn't have the pressure to fill empty silences with chatter.

It must've come with the territory of being alone for many years.

She wasn't sure how she would've coped living alone and avoiding human contact.

Obadiah faired well, but it was clear that the Lord had protected him and kept him from the insanity that should've been his portion.

His story was one she desired to hear, but truthfully, she feared what he might say.

What could've happened to make a man like Obadiah run away from physical connection?

She looked over and a smile settled on her face.

He never failed to make her smile.

Even when he annoyed her.

He was such a wonderful man.

She looked forward to continuing their lessons, but this time as one who could reach out and touch him if she pleased.

It tickled her heart to know she was the one he wanted to experience forever with.

"You're like me."

Obadiah noted, making her hum with furrowed brows.

"You're watching me."

"I am," She laughed softly, her cheeks growing warm at his call out. "Will you tell me now?"

He shook his head. "No. You will know soon." He turned to her and nodded before looking ahead. "Except, I'm never tickled pink. Not on the outside,"

Guinevere gasped lightly, feeling flattered. "What do you mean?"

She delighted in hearing his honest affection, though they scared her initially.

Compliments without confession only led to confusion.

Obadiah suddenly wished they were at the destination.

He wanted to hug her.

Out of the blue.

He liked her warmth.

And she was beautiful.

Beautiful, sweet, and comfortable.

He eyed her again and sighed.

ObadiahWhere stories live. Discover now