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Many things ran through Obadiah's mind as he embraced Guinevere.

But one rang louder than the other.

It felt better than right.

It felt better than right and he didn't want to let go.

He liked this feeling.

He liked having her near.

She was warm, tiny, and soft.

His mind should've been anxious, and his body should've been repulsed, but he felt peaceful.

Peaceful and glad.

It wasn't a loud or boisterous feeling.

It was calm.

He liked it.

He liked having her.

What was happening?

Something good.

Something peaceful and delightful.

It didn't compare to the peace and gladness he felt with the Lord, but it was okay. 

He was touching someone.

And that someone was Guinevere.

The only one he wanted this with.

And she wanted it too.

Sweet, special, kind, beautiful, lovely, and precious Guinevere.

As he looked down at her fluffy dark hair, a strange thing happened to his heart.

She was safe with him, as he was safe with her.

"Oh, Lord," He whispered in awe of his reality.

Guinevere slowly lifted her head and hummed with concern in her precious eyes.

"Am I hurting you?" She stepped away slightly, but he kept her in place.

"No," He whispered. "No. You're helping," He confessed, making her cheeks turn pink and her look of concern turned bashful.


"Can I ask how?"

He nodded, growing mesmerized by her beauty.

She was a magnificent woman.

"I can't answer fully, but I was never safe. Not even with myself,"

He carefully lifted his hand and held her flushed cheek, as though his words weren't crushing her heart.

She leaned in, comforted by the hands of the man who cared for her.

"But with you, I am safe. I don't feel afraid of what you'll say or do to me. And now," He delicately thumbed her cheek, softness settled in his amber eyes. "I know you feel safe with me. I see it. You trust me. Me," He couldn't believe it, but here she was, allowing him to touch her without fear.


This was a high honor.

"You're very safe," She crooned, reaching up to cover his hand with her own.

The way he felt, truly felt, was settling.

The softness of her palm against his rough and hairy hand felt right.

Oh, her heart delighted in having desires fulfilled by the only man she wanted.

"I know you wouldn't hurt me. Even when I hugged you. Though I'd heard about what happened before, I didn't fear what you would do," She told him and mirrored his actions, stroking his hand as he stroked her cheek.

ObadiahWhere stories live. Discover now