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Obadiah was home.

There was so much in his head.

The two chapters Mrs. Hayworth read spoke volumes.

What was he supposed to do now?

Seek the Lord.

"Marriage," He started, somewhat unsurely. "Isaac married Rebekah. The servant of Abraham obeyed the instructions, prayed to You, and You provided Rebekah," He recounted. "She chose to go with the stranger to marry Isaac. It said Isaac loved her,"

Marriage was foreign to him.

He knew married people, but didn't know about them or what it meant to be married.

"Ephesians, husbands should love their wives as themselves, nurturing and cherishing her," He liked that part. It was something he understood.

He should've asked Mrs. Hayworth to help him understand more about marriage, but the Lord told him to seek Him.

He would be like Abraham's servant and obey.

"You told me what I felt for Guinevere is pure attraction and love. Is this the love Isaac felt for Rebekah? Is this the love that husbands are to feel for their wives?"

His head was slightly spinning, but he knew the Lord would answer.

"She read another chapter to me,"

Mrs. Hayworth gladly volunteered to read another chapter. She told him it would help explain why he was lonesome for Guinevere.

"It was about a man named Jacob. He saw a woman, Rachel, and sought to marry her. He worked fourteen years for her, but he felt the years were only a few days because of how he loved her,"

He felt like Jacob.

He wanted to be like Isaac and have Guinevere to love.

He wanted to cherish and love her as himself.

It all came together.

Like a ton of bricks, the revelation struck Obadiah in the heart.

He didn't need the Lord to speak.

Remembering the Word was enough.

Obadiah wanted what Isaac and Jacob had because he wanted to be a husband to Guinevere.


"Lord, what am I supposed to do?"

He looked at the clock and sighed.

It was almost time to meet Guinevere for lunch.

Could he be like Jacob and just run to her and kiss her?

Would that explain what he wanted?


He closed his eyes and tried to remember what the Lord told him about Guinevere.

Her heart is pure.

"No, that's not it," He grumbled, growing frustrated.

What did he want to know?

What did he need to know?


If he understood it all correctly, he loved Guinevere as a husband should and wanted to marry her.

"Okay, that's it," He stood up and hurried out of the house.

He had to tell her.


"Miss Klein,"

Guinevere hummed, admittedly absentmindedly.

"Are you sad?" Juliana asked with her dark blue eyes filled with concern.

ObadiahWhere stories live. Discover now