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"Egg!" Isaiah yelled as he followed closely behind Obadiah in the yard with a basket secured in his small hand.

"Good job," Obadiah told the boy and watched his step to ensure he didn't crack another egg.

Guinevere watched with Lydia playing in her hair and Mrs. Delores beside her.

It tickled her heart so pleasantly to see Obadiah and Isaiah together.

Obadiah was a wonderful man for Isaiah to want to follow.

She still couldn't believe that he offered to gather the eggs for her.

"Dearie, it was a sight to see Obadiah running to find me," Mrs. Delores giggled. "You gave him quite a scare," She tsked playfully.

Guinevere laughed as well.

After their moment this morning, she wanted to see the children and refresh herself, but she was taken by a dizzy spell the moment she stood from the bed.

Obadiah caught her and carefully placed her back in the bed, where she confessed to not feeling like herself.

She left out the fact that crying all night was known to dehydrate and make a person sick.

Obadiah told her to stay put and hurried to find Mrs. Delores.

"Oh, I didn't mean it. I thought it was a slight headache,"

Mrs. Delores shook her head. "I could've told you you wouldn't be well, dear. But this fresh air and a good meal will do you some good," She patted her hand.

When Guinevere realized she would be down for the day, she panicked.

She would lose money for not teaching today, and selling eggs would only cover a portion of the loss, but being down would've kept her from doing so.

Obadiah questioned her, attentive as he was, and volunteered to gather them for her.

He was a blessing.

"I believe so," She whispered with a yawn.

Lydia placed her hand over her mouth and giggled.

Guinevere gently nibbled on her fingers and tickled her sides. "You cheeky girl," She chirped, making her flush from giggling. "Mommy's pretty darling,"

She simply adored the baby girl.

"Isaiah's taken to him well," Mrs. Delores noted.

Guinevere nodded. "He's liked him since he saved him from the bees. My little darling has been waiting for a chance to play with Obadiah," She told her happily. "I've often heard that babies and young children are good judges of character, I agree with it now,"

Isaiah was not partial to Pierre.

Guinevere couldn't understand why until he showed himself as cruel.

"Mommy! I finds lots of eggs!" Isaiah screamed, making Obadiah wince.

She couldn't help but giggle.

"He wants to make you happy, Guinevere. And Isaiah will only follow his leading," Mrs. Delores gushed. "Why don't I start on lunch? You soak in this good sun, it's good for you."

Guinevere nodded, blessed by her words.

"Thank you, Mrs. Delores. I appreciate all of your help,"

Mrs. Delores only winked and returned to the cottage.

"It's just you and me now, Lydia," Guinevere sighed calmly and kissed her cheek. "You make my heart sing, little love,"

"Mama!" Lydia squealed.

ObadiahOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant