47 - Fine Line

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Have fun reading. <3


What do you think could happen? 👀
(It's something I'm sure some are already expecting)

⚠️ TW: SA (start and end marked with * ) ⚠️

[POV Harry]

After Jay and I finished the film yesterday, she also went down to the girls while I was trying to sleep. Of course, as I had written to Louis the day before, nothing came of it. I just can't go back to sleep without him and our sunshine didn't make it any easier when they were moving around all night. It was probably the chocolate cake I snacked on while watching the film with Jay.

Since I didn't see any point in forcing myself to sleep after four in the morning when I can't anyway, I decide to slowly get ready. Before I go into the adjoining bathroom to take a hot shower - I just can't stand the cold - I go into the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea. Over the last few weeks, a small collection of teas has really accumulated in our kitchen. I decide on the Yorkshire tea and put the tea bag in the cup before putting the water on in the kettle and, while it's boiling, I go back to the wardrobe to pick out my clothes for the cold day.

I decide on a pair of white trousers and leggings to wear underneath and a blue and white striped jumper. I quickly put the outfit away in the bathroom before going into the kitchen to pour the water into the cup. With tea in hand, I go back to bed to savour it and read a few pages of my book. After that, I really get ready. After a hot shower, I brush my teeth thoroughly and blow-dry my hair. I usually let it air-dry, but in winter I reach for the hairdryer more often. I look in the mirror in amazement at the length of my hair. It now reaches to the centre of my shoulders. I'm still not quite sure what to make of it. Louis loves it.

My gaze glides further down and stops at my stomach. Grinning, I place my hand on it and run it gently over my curves. I still can't quite believe that I'll be holding our baby in my arms in around five months' time and that I'm already halfway through the pregnancy. I turn sideways to get a better look at the size of my belly. If I don't want people to recognise that I'm expecting a child, it's going to be difficult to hide it. Smiling, I take my top and put it on and quickly tie my hair into a bun so that it doesn't get on my nerves.

As there is still plenty of time before school starts, I decide to go down to the kitchen and make breakfast for us all. During the week, Louis and I usually eat in our kitchen, as the fuzzy one takes a long time to get up, which is why we always miss breakfast together. To be honest, we also love to eat just the two of us in the morning to enjoy some togetherness and peace and quiet, as there is usually a lot of chaos with the girls, as they often want something from you, argue about random things or are so lively that they literally chew your ear off with their enthusiasm. That's also the reason why we all have breakfast together on Sunday, just to enjoy some time together as a family.

But as I don't want to eat alone now and enjoy spending time with Louis' family, I make my way downstairs. It's still quiet, but Jay should be up any minute. Mark has been away on a business trip for a few days, so there are only six of us today. I gather all the utensils and ingredients for pancakes, as I know how much the girls love them. While the batter is sizzling away in the pan, I start to fry the bacon in the pan and cook the scrambled eggs.

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