5 - If I Could Fly

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Ed and I make our way to maths class without saying anything. Me, because I'm in pain and don't really want to talk about what happened, and Ed probably because he's still in shock. It's nothing new and he's seen it before, but never to this extent. Of course, I've had worse and what just happened wasn't nearly as bad when I'm alone with the boys.

I keep feeling Ed's gaze on me, but I don't look up from the floor. I feel the other students' gazes on me too, and the soft giggles and whispers are impossible to miss. Ed clears his throat, which makes me look up and into a worried face. "Are you sure you don't want to go to the school nurse?" he inquires, putting his hand on my arm, which makes me flinch and drop his hand to his side. I merely shake my head and tighten my grip around my body before turning my eyes back to the floor.

"Harry...please?" I hear the redhead plead, but I stand my ground and shake my head again, hoping he will drop the subject. I hear him sigh and see in the corner of my eye that he is running a hand through his hair and looking at me a little desperately. "If you get worse, please let me know. Okay, Haz ?" I nod, forcing a smile that probably looks more like a grimace, but I mainly don't care.

As we enter Mr Garcia's classroom, my expression hardens again and the chatter from my classmates who have found their way here so far stops. I drop into my seat in the front row and take out my school materials, such as my pencil case, maths book and folder, from my school bag and place them on the top right of the table. Ed does the same and turns his gaze back to me. Our classmates have started talking again and are no longer paying attention to us, for which I am very grateful.

To avoid Ed's questions, I open my notebook and read through the last board picture we made a few lessons ago. I don't really have to, after all I know the subject and have no problems with it. As usual. But I don't feel like talking to Ed, so I prefer to look at the sheet again. After a few minutes, the teacher clears his throat and begins the lesson, which progresses rather slowly. Much to my displeasure.

After the first block is over, we walk together to the music class, which takes place in the assembly hall today, because our music teacher was of the opinion that our songs have to be presented properly. That means with proper stage lighting, a stage, a microphone and even instruments if we need them too. It's supposed to feel like a competition, which is why you can vote for your favourite later on Instagram and on the school website. To make it feel like a competition, our three music teachers who are at our school are judges and all students are the audience. And to top it all off, the whole spectacle is filmed for the websites.

"All good?" I hear Ed ask next to me after we have entered the auditorium, which is already bustling with activity. The music teachers are taking care of the technology and are assisted by students who also know something about the subject. Most of the classes and their teachers have found their place in the audience and are chatting away. The rest of our music class has gathered near the stage, to which Ed and I slowly walk. "Yeah, it's all good. Maybe a little nervous..." I murmur to him. "You'll be fine Haz." he tries to encourage me and manages to put a small smile on my lips. "We'll make it !" I improve, which makes him laugh.

We put our bags next to the others' and sit down with Perrie and Claire, who have sat down a little away from the troupe. After we greet them, the three of them fall into conversation and I look around the auditorium some more until my eyes meet the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. Louis' . A smile appears on his lips and he gives me a thumbs-up, which I imitate with a grin. However, this moment doesn't last long before he turns to Niall, Liam, Zayn and the two blonde hyenas. Eleanor is thankfully not there, which will be because she is in art class.

"May I have your attention please ?" asks our course leader and immediately the auditorium falls silent, causing the teachers to nod in satisfaction. "First of all, a big thank you to my music class for agreeing to make this 'project' look like a competition with me." Mr McLean addresses us with a smile, which makes the audience break into a big round of applause before he turns his attention back to them. "We're about to hear 20 students who should choose a song and rehearse it to perform today. After all the performances, you can vote for your favourite on Instagram or the school website. I'm not asking you to vote for the person you get along with, but for the one who deserves it, even if you don't like the person," he points out, to which the audience breaks into whispers.

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