18 - decisions

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Hello, I don't know if everyone has noticed that chapter 17 is online. If not, feel free to check it out before then :)

This chapter (and maybe the next ones) are a bit shorter because I don't want to keep changing perspectives or writing in 3rd person. (I find that confusing sometimes haha). I hope it's ok for you :))

I would also be VERY happy about COMMENTS and VOTES today.

Have a great time reading. <3

[POV Harry]

Surprised, I look to my mother, who can't bring a single word past her lips. She looks at me emotionlessly before slowly walking towards me. Right away I take a few steps backwards and bump into the still open front door, which then falls clattering into the lock. I flinch in shock and look back into my mother's face, on which you can gradually see the anger.

"What's this ?" she raises her voice and holds up the notebook and the pregnancy test, though I still don't know where she got them from, as I've hidden them in my wardrobe because I know she doesn't actually look there. Actually.

"Harry Edward Styles..." she grumbles, looking me straight in the eye. "What is it ?" she repeats herself again, but even now I don't answer.

"I want you to answer me!" she yells in my face and suddenly pulls me towards her by my jacket, so that I slam against her body and she looks at me. I protectively put my arms around my stomach. "Harry Edward - I'm warning you!" she bellows and pushes me off her with such force that I hit the floor with a loud thud. Immediately a pain shoots through my wrist, which I have used to cushion myself.

"Harry, that's enough," she yells at me, turning my face towards her. She is not interested in the tears running down my cheeks and the wrist I am holding. "You're going to tell me what this is," she says loudly and pulls me up from the floor. "Isn't it obvious?", I sob, adding to the conversation for the first time. "Of course it's obvious !" she yells at me, slamming the notebook and test onto the floor, causing the other ultrasounds to fall out and slide to the floor.

Why does everyone really have to treat my things as if they are not important ?

"I hope you're not serious," she threatens me. "And what if I am ?", I ask her. "Then you'll see what happens ! So?" she wants to know and puts her hands on her hips.

I don't answer for the time being. Why should I? Why does she want me to say it at all, when she even has it in black and white in front of her.

"I'm gay," I start and look at her. Immediately she tenses up and looks all around, except in my direction. "And I'm expecting a baby from my boyfriend - ", I falter for a moment and realise it's no longer true. "I mean from my ex-boyfriend," I amend my statement, fiddling nervously with my fingers.

Suddenly my mother laughs sarcastically and shakes her head as if she doesn't want it to be true. As if it's all a joke. "Even your boyfriend doesn't want anything to do with you anymore. Maybe you should think about what that's about, faggot," she says with an amused voice but a disgusted look. "The fact that anyone ever started anything with you...", she continues with such hatred in her voice that goose bumps spread over my body. "He's lucky he's out of the picture now and doesn't have to be associated with you. His reputation won't be destroyed. Mine is ! Do you realise what you're doing with this mistake?" she points at my stomach and looks away again very quickly. "Do you realise what you're doing? People will talk so badly about me. My reputation is ruined. I'll just be the poor mother whose son is gay of all people and couldn't use contraception when he was having his fun. And to top it all off, he's pregnant, too!" she says in a rage, throwing her arms around the room theatrically. "They won't want to have anything more to do with me! They will find me disgusting, but they should find you disgusting, Harry Edward! Everyone will make fun of me and you, or rather our family, will be the number one topic of conversation". She looks at me reproachfully and seems to be thinking of something.

You, I And Our Little Sunshine || Larry mpreg || Book I [English Translation] Where stories live. Discover now