4 - punches

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With a broad smile I cross the schoolyard, where one or the other clique has already gathered. My gaze flits once over all of them to see if Louis is among them. To be honest, I've missed him quite a bit, even though we only saw each other last evening at football practice. But he's nowhere to be seen, and neither are any of his friends, which is pretty weird, after all, they hang out by the school wall in the morning and make fun of others.

My gaze slides around again until it meets Chris, who glares at me. When I see him slowly making his way towards me, I quickly look away and try to get to school as quickly as possible. Honestly, I don't feel like getting beat up this early in the morning. If Zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis are bad, Chris and his company are a lot worse. Whereas Louis and Niall don't do anything, they just stand by and laugh most of the time. I still like them the most of all.

I try to make myself as small as possible, which is not easy with my almost 1.80 m, and run into the school to my locker, as I still need my maths book. Even on the way there, I haven't seen Louis let alone any of his group of friends. Strange. He hasn't texted me today either, which is what he actually does every morning. A strange feeling makes its way to my stomach and in my head I'm already imagining the worst, but I quickly push it aside and open my locker to take out my maths book.

"Hey Harry." someone greets me, leaning against the locker next to mine. I look up at the redhead and can't stop a small smile from creeping onto my lips. "Hi Ed, how are you?" I ask him and put the book in my backpack, only to close it shortly afterwards. "Fine, but to be honest I don't really feel like it. And you? You look pretty pale today..." he replies worriedly and takes one good look at me before I force myself to smile "I'm fine too Ed, I'm just a bit tired and maybe a bit excited about music..." I admit mumbling and push a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You can sing Harry, I've heard it myself. So you really don't have to be nervous," he tries to reassure me and I close my locker door after shrugging my shoulders once. Together we stroll to class. "What do you sing?" I ask Ed, but he just grins at me and doesn't say a word. "And you?" He looks at me questioningly, but like him I don't say a word. Not because I don't want to say it or because I'm embarrassed. I just want it to be a surprise.

Before I can say anything else, however, we are alerted to loud voices coming towards us. Zayn and Liam lead the way and there's a blonde glued to each of them, looking up at the boys with anticipation and laughing off like hyenas at every thing they say. Niall walks behind them, eating a roll and laughing at something Louis must have said. The latter grins broadly. But that's not what draws my attention. No, it's the girl snuggled up to him, adoring Louis and clearly enjoying his presence. Eleanor.

Angrily, I clench my hands into fists and press my lips together. I really didn't need this view. And then with Eleanor, too. Last night's conversation with my mother, the mayor and his wife comes to mind. Immediately I feel sick and tear my gaze away from them. I guess she got what she wanted. Louis doesn't seem to have a problem with her proximity. Who knows how long this has been going on. The thought almost brings tears to my eyes. After all, Louis and I see each other almost every day and there is something going on between us. It's not a relationship because he doesn't want it to be, but nevertheless we both know that there are feelings there.

"Oh look who we have here." I hear Zayn's voice come through to me and I look up at them. However, not a second later I'm pressed against the wall and Zayn's arms find their way next to my body, so I'm now trapped. My gaze darts to the others. Liam and their hyenas grin cheekily, knowing what's about to come. And yes, I know it too. Niall has even stopped eating and looks back and forth between Zayn and me in surprise. Louis and Eleanor seem to like the view because they are clearly making fun of me. My heart tightens and I look down at my feet so I don't have to see Louis anymore.

"How's our faggot today?" Zayn says to me and grins at me. But I don't say a word to him and continue to stare at my feet. "Curly Fry I'm talking to you !" he says a little louder now and smacks my cheek to get me to lift my gaze. His eyes sparkle with pleasure at this situation and I wait eagerly for him to finally do what he always does so that I can get on with my lessons. He looks at me, waiting. Apparently he is still waiting for an answer. "None of your business," I mutter to myself. His eyes narrow before he lunges and his fist hits my stomach with full force and I bend over.

He punches and kicks me a few more times until I lie on the floor whimpering and scattered tears leave my eyes and find their way down my cheeks. "Zayn that's fucking enough !" the Irishman yells at him and pulls him back to stop. "That was for yesterday faggot. Stop bothering Louis. No one wants anything from you you disgusting pig." the Pakistani yells at me before picking up his backpack from the floor and continuing to walk to class. My whole body aches and I wrap my arms around my stomach, only to curl up on it on the floor and sob to myself.

I can hear the students walking past me whispering and laughing, but no one helps me. Ed stands rooted to the spot, eyes wide, Liam and the hyenas laughing softly. "You're such a pushover." Eleanor comments with a grin, which makes Liam and the two blondes laugh even harder, and even from Louis you can hear soft laughter. I cautiously open my eyes and look directly at him, whereupon he falls silent and forms a soundless 'sorry' with his lips before also walking with the others in the direction Zayn went a while ago.

A loud sob leaves my throat and more tears leave my eyes. It's the same thing over and over again. Zayn (sometimes Liam) knocks me to the ground, Niall and Louis laugh it off, knowing full well that they find it anything but funny. After Liam and Zayn leave, Niall and Louis help me up and make sure I'm okay and apologise for Zayn's behaviour before following him too. But today Louis doesn't. I guess I mean less to him than he means to me.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up, only to look into bright blue eyes. Niall's, and not Louis'. "Do you want me to take you to the nurse?" he asks me worriedly, once brushing a few strands out of my forehead that have come loose from my bandana. "No, I'm fine," I breathe and try to sit up, which only causes me to double over in pain and a whimper to leave my mouth. "I think it would be better if someone looked at this," he says firmly, but I shake my head. No one can know what's happening. Otherwise I'll be in a lot more shit than I was already.

"Harry..." he says with a sigh before setting his rucksack down beside me and handing me a tissue, which I use to wipe the tears from my cheeks. He also hands me some painkillers, which I take in confusion. "If you're not going to the school nurse, at least take something for your pain, Harry. Even though I still think someone should take a look at it." he suggests. "Thanks Niall." I mumble before taking a pill out of the packet and swallowing it with the water the Irishman hands me.

"I'm sorry about what happened again today. Also that Louis, Liam and their appendages laughed. That's not okay." he apologises and forces himself to smile. "It's okay Niall, I'm not used to anything else." I admit and look sadly at the floor. "No one should have to go through something like that. I don't know why the boys do it either..." I shrug my shoulders and slowly stand up, only to feel Niall's arm around my waist a moment later, who then hands me my backpack. I smile gratefully at him and sling the backpack around my shoulder.

I say goodbye and walk over to Ed who is still standing in the same spot staring at me in disbelief, but before he does Niall calls my name again and I turn around. "I just wanted to tell you that I don't have a problem with you liking boys. It should be normal nowadays and as long as you're happy, no one else has to care. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. Not many can say that about themselves." he grins at me and walks away as well. Smiling, I look after him and then at Ed before we head off to maths class.



That was the fourth chapter.

- How did you like the fourth chapter?

-What do you think about Louis behaviour?

- What do you think could be the reason why Harry is treated like that by the boys ?


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Have a wonderful day.

Your djae.mecca

You, I And Our Little Sunshine || Larry mpreg || Book I [English Translation] Where stories live. Discover now