44 - contracts for the future

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Have fun reading. <3

[POV Louis]

"What don't you like about it ?", I want to know from my curly head, who has been standing in front of the wardrobe for half an hour, changing his outfit again and again and then looking at it in the floor-length mirror, only to take it off again in despair. "I don't know," he mumbles, tugging at the white fabric of the blouse. In the mirror, his eyes meet mine and a little blush shoots into his cheeks. He quickly looks away again to take off his blouse and hang it back in the wardrobe. "I'll wear something more simple," he says, already rummaging through all his oversized tops.

"I really liked the blouse and the other tops looked great on you too," I admit, slowly striding over to him to put an arm around his waist and breathe a soft kiss on his temple. Sighing, Harry looks to me and, as he always does when he's nervous, curtsies on his bottom lip. "Don't do that," I murmur, kissing him briefly to make him stop. "What don't you like about the blouse, Love ?", I want to know now after all, because I don't understand what his problem is right now. Usually he wears what he likes. At least since I told him that he has to feel comfortable in his clothes and that others have no right to judge him.

He sighs again and shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know either..." he admits, looking at me gloomily. "Somehow...", he starts but then breaks off again. He shakes his head and wants to turn around to put on his hoodie when I stop him. "Hey hey, stay here," I stop him and pull him towards me by the waist. Immediately his arms are in my neck and I wrap mine around his back.

Emotionally, I place my lips on his forehead and leave them there for a moment while my boyfriend exhales softly and closes his eyes for the time. Yesterday we called the manager and she had asked us directly if we could meet at a café today. Actually, she's only expecting Harry, but my curly-head wants me there, which is why I agreed. But still, he's been excited since the call and had hardly slept a wink tonight. We didn't fall asleep until around two o'clock, after I made us both a cup of tea and we snuggled into each other's arms afterwards. Meanwhile, I cuddled his scalp, which has always had a calming effect on him. In the end, it was my singing that transported him to the land of dreams.

"What were you about to tell me? You know that you can talk to me about anything and that you don't have to hide anything from me," he nods quickly and leans back a little so that he can look me in the eye. "I...somehow I don't feel comfortable in my skin today and the belly seems to have grown bigger overnight. I just don't want her to know right away that I'm pregnant and judge me about it," he confesses to me. I nod after taking in his words and thinking about it for a moment.

I look at him, but he averts his gaze and hides his face in the crook of my neck. For a moment I just hold him and enjoy the quiet moment. "Haz ?", I whisper to get his attention. He nods and straightens up again. "I can understand your concern, but if you're really going to sign, then she has to know about the baby too. We can't just hide our sunshine like that. I also believe that she won't mind," I explain my thoughts. "Maybe...", he just mumbles and looks up at me helplessly.

"And as for your clothes. If you feel more comfortable with a hoodie, then put it on. But you don't have to worry if you want to wear a blouse or something completely different. You look beautiful and the baby bump adds to that, okay ?", I ask, which makes him smile a little. I give him another kiss on the corner of his mouth and then break away from him. "Do you think I can put on a blouse and a hoodie over it ?", he wants to know. "Of course, Haz." He nods again and grabs his clothes to disappear into the bathroom to get ready.

You, I And Our Little Sunshine || Larry mpreg || Book I [English Translation] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ