9 - Gemma

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A.N.: Hey, I'm sorry that there hasn't been a chapter for so long, but I'm in an exam period right now, so I don't have/find much time to write. So maybe the chapter will be shorter, but I don't know yet. : )

I would be really happy if you leave votes, comments and feedback.

Have fun reading. <3


Gemma ?

Surprised, my sister and mother look at me as if they haven't expected me to be there yet. A smile graces Gemma's face and hastily she comes running to me to pull me into her arms. Sighing, I wrap my arms around her and hide my face in the crook of her neck. "I've missed you," she murmurs into my hair and shortly afterwards breaks away from me. Smiling, she brushes a strand behind my ear and looks at me carefully. "You are quite pale...", she admits and looks at me worriedly. I clear my throat and detach myself from her completely. "It's nothing," I mumble and slip out of my vans and jacket to take them into the hallway.

Gemma, of course, doesn't let up and follows me into the hallway, leaning against the doorframe. "I think there's something there, all right." she guesses and examines me. I roll my eyes with a sigh and hang up my jacket. It was predictable that she would ask. "Gemma, it's all right," I say and turn back in her direction, giving her a small smile that underlines my statement. "If you're sure," she replies with a shrug and pushes herself away from the door frame. I roll my eyes again, clearly getting the habit from Louis, and follow her into the living room. "Actually...I'm fine now. I just had a dizzy spell earlier," I admit and my sister looks at me alarmingly.

"I'm really starting to worry about you," she says and looks at me with a furrowed brow. "Why? I'm fine," I assure her and throw myself onto the grey couch. "Why?" she asks me incredulously and puts her hands on her hips. I nod and grab the remote control to turn on the television. Shortly afterwards, some documentary flickers across the screen. I squint at Gemma, who is still standing there and looking at me. "Is something wrong?" I ask, annoyed, because at some point it gets annoying when someone stares at you all the time. "You haven't been feeling well in the last few weeks," she comments, which makes me roll my eyes again. "Gemma, it's okay now," I say angrily. She throws her arms in the air and leaves the living room.

I turn on 'Modern Family' on Netflix and enjoy the few minutes of silence before my mum struts into the living room all styled up and looks at me reproachfully. I put the episode on pause and raise an eyebrow to convey that I don't know what she wants from me right now. "Harry..." she says with a sigh, staring at her wristwatch and then back up at me. "Will you please get ready now?" I frown and honestly don't know what she wants from me. "What for?" I ask hesitantly, but don't get an answer at first. We just stare at each other and I think about what she wants from me, but for the life of me I can't think of it.

"What is to become of you?" she asks me, but I just shrug my shoulders with a smile. "Not what you imagine me to be," I counter, and she looks at me in horror. "Mum, leave him alone. He's not feeling well," I hear from my sister, who has just entered the living room. "He has to come with me! Your brother knows exactly how important this meeting is for me, which is why he's getting changed now so we can finally leave. We're already late," she argues and looks at me, waiting. "No, he doesn't have to and he won't. You can go to this meeting alone if it's that important to you, but you're finally letting Harry out of it !" Gemma defends me, handing me a bowl of freshly cooked soup and a spoon. I nod gratefully at her and start eating.

"You have nothing to say to me, Miss," our mother says. Gemma sighs, sits down next to me and puts an arm around me. "Yes I do, you can't always use Harry and take him to these weird meetings so you can only talk about him and keep your reputation. But that's enough of that !" my sister exclaims and pulls me even closer to her. "He's not feeling well, so he's staying with me and the two of us are going to have a nice evening watching TV." Our mother turns around snorting and leaves the house in a huff. "Thanks, Sis," I murmur and press a kiss to her cheek. Smiling, she rests her head on my shoulder and turns the episode back on.

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