17 - cinema

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Hello, I don't know if everyone has noticed that chapter 16 is online. If not, feel free to check it out before then :)

I would also be VERY happy about COMMENTS and VOTES today.

I would really appreciate it if you leave votes, comments and feedback.

Have fun reading. <3

[POV Harry]

I called my doctor straight after my and Gemma's Skype call and made an appointment for the following day. I hardly slept a wink all night, too preoccupied with all the questions still floating around in my head.

How will Louis react ? How will I tell my boyfriend that we are expecting a baby ? Will he leave me ? Will he support us and accept the pregnancy ?

How will my mother react ? Will she really kick me out? Will she still consider me as her son? How can I make my mother believe that I like the same sex? And to top it off, I'm expecting a baby?

What about school? I have to stop playing football because I have known since the second the pregnancy test was positive that I will keep the baby, my own flesh and blood. I can't imagine aborting it or giving it up for adoption. I can't bring myself to do that. I've become too attached to the idea of having a baby and to be honest I'm really looking forward to it, even though it will be a stressful time. After all, my baby would come at the time when final exams are just around the corner.

After the bell ends class, I slam my book and stapler shut and stuff them in my backpack, which I then put on and leave the room as fast as I can. "Hey Harry, wait up !" my fuzzy head shouts through the corridors and stops beside me a moment later. He looks around for a moment before taking my hand in his and pulling me into an empty room, closing the door behind us. He sits down on a table, pulls me between his legs and puts his hands on my hips. Smiling at the gesture, I put my arms over his shoulder and fold them behind his neck. He brushes a strand of hair from my face before blowing a kiss on my nose and eyeing me. I've noticed his worried look on me all day, but so far he hadn't said anything either.

"Is everything okay with you ?" he whispers into the silent room. I nod and give him a smile, whether it really comes across as a smile is debatable. "You know you can tell me anything." - "I know," I reply and give him a kiss on the right cheek, which brings a grin to his face. "I'm still a little worried about you, though," he murmurs, putting his hand to my cheek so his thumb strokes my skin. "You're kind of out of it today," he looks at my face with concern. I just didn't sleep well, Love," I admit half-truth, because at least it's not a lie. "Has your mother been stressing you out again?" - "No." He sighs and pulls me into his arms so I bury my face in his chest and breathe in his scent. "Have you been sick again ?" he continues, tussling my curls, causing a comforting sigh to leave my lips. "No, but I'm going to the doctor today to get it checked out," I confess to him. He pulls away from me, cups my cheeks and blows me a kiss on the lips before giving me his signature smile, which I'm only too happy to return. "I think it's good that you're getting this checked out," he confesses, connecting our lips again. "Are you going to tell me what comes out ?" he asks me, looking at me thoughtfully. I nod and pull him closer to me again so that I can hide my face in the crook of his neck.

"I wanted to ask you if you would go on a date with me tomorrow?" he says, voicing his real concern. I immediately straighten up and look at his uncertain face. "Tomorrow ?" - "Yes, that's what I said." he replies with a laugh and presses a kiss to my forehead. My cheeks take on a slight red tinge and I look down at my feet, a little embarrassed. "So?" my boyfriend questions and puts his fingers under my chin so that I look back into his beautiful blue eyes. "I'd love to go on a date with you," I admit, bringing out my dimples. "Where are you going ?", I want to know and bury my hands in his wispy hair. He bites his lower lip shyly before replying, "Cinema." "What are we watching ?" - "You'll see. But I promise you'll like it," he winks before we put our lips together again and share a kiss.

You, I And Our Little Sunshine || Larry mpreg || Book I [English Translation] Where stories live. Discover now