39 - Be Alright

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[POV Harry]

01 November 2022.
A day after everything went down and I wonder what will happen next.

You know when you try to sleep, it works, but you still notice everything around you ? That's how you could describe my night tonight. I noticed when Louis came home and disappeared straight into the bathroom. I noticed that he took several showers before he lay down in bed with me and wanted to cuddle up to me. I witnessed how he couldn't stop crying during the night. I watched him get up a few hours ago, take another shower and then go downstairs.

And now I lie here and ponder my next steps. Should I go downstairs and see if he is there ? I have noticed, of course, that something is wrong and is bothering him. I mean, after everything I've seen on the internet or been sent to me by Chris. It hasn't really entered my head yet what my boyfriend has done. Yesterday I was still too disappointed that he went to that stupid party, even though he had promised to watch a film with me. But little by little it all seeps into me and I feel like I'm about to burst. Again and again the images of him and Eleanor play before my eyes. How they kissed. How she was touching him and he didn't seem to have a problem with it.

I quickly shake my head and bite my bottom lip to keep my stinging tears from spilling out of my eyes, unable to stop crying like last night. It wasn't until Jay came to check on us and saw me that everything came crashing down on me and I showed her the photos and videos of the party. Of course, she wasn't thrilled with Louis' behaviour any more than I was, but still, we knew there had to be a reason why he did it. Why he got involved with Eleanor. It would also explain his behaviour since tonight.

Still, it didn't leave me completely cold. It started yesterday when he didn't ask me if I wanted to go to the party. Usually he always asks. But yesterday he didn't even want me there. I would have said no anyway, but asking if I wanted to accompany him wouldn't have made me feel left out. So when the first kissing photos of him and Eleanor appeared, I had to look twice before I could realise what was happening and I wasn't there to stop it. I was scared. Who wouldn't have been ? Even though he always says he loves me and our baby, situations like this make me doubt. I start to question again if I am enough for him and if he even loves me as much as he seems to.

Sighing, I open Instagram. I desperately need to see if anything else has been added that I haven't seen yet. And so it is. Eleanor has posted something and when I see what it is, my stomach turns and my heart tightens painfully.



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