1 - secret meetings

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"Harry? Is that you?" I hear my mother call through our house as I enter it after school. "Yes..." I say a little more quietly, as I don't really have the time or inclination to talk to her.
After all, football practice is about to start and I can't be late. Due to the stress of not hearing my alarm clock this morning and my mother luckily waking me up in time, I forgot my sports bag in my hurry, which contains my jersey, supports and football shoes.

I quickly rush up the stairs that lead to the first floor, where my sister Gemma's and I's bedrooms and our own bathrooms are located. Admittedly, Gemma doesn't really live here anymore because she already goes to university and shares a flat with one of her friends, who also attends university in London. My sister occasionally tries to come over at the weekends and then stays here for the two or three days. I can still hear my mother shouting something from downstairs, but I pay little attention to her as I need to find my damn gym bag.

My school bag has found its way onto the floor by now and I frantically search my room. If I'm late, our coach Carlos, who is only a few years older than us players, makes me run penalty laps and of course I don't feel like that. His training is hard enough as it is, I don't really need the extra rounds. "Mom, where is my sports bag?" I shout down, hoping that she at least knows. But she doesn't answer. Annoyed, I groan and brush a few strands out of my forehead with my right hand. Where could that damn bag be? I mentally go through where I last saw it or where I last put it. But of course I can't think of it. Sighing, I get down on my knees and bend down to see if my bag might be under my bed. I breathe a sigh of relief when I find it and grab it.

I stumble down the stairs and am about to open the door when my mother emerges from the kitchen next to me. "Where are you going Harry?" she asks me with a raised eyebrow, arms folded in front of her chest and leaning against the door frame. "To football practice?" I try to convey the obvious to her. She knows perfectly well that I have training on Mondays, Wednesdays and sometimes Fridays. "Are you still doing this nonsense?" she sighs and looks at me annoyed. "Yes, Mum, I still play football and I'm not going to stop just because you think it's too hard for your oh-so-fine son." I say rolling my eyes."Harold! You know exactly how I feel about it and why I don't want you playing that sport." I sigh in annoyance. Always the same conversation. "Mom, I have to go now. I'm late for practice." "You stay here. The mayor is coming with his wife and I want you to be here," she says sternly. "No, I won't stay. Just so you can be on your best behaviour again and brag about your oh so clever son. I'm leaving, see you later mom." with that I leave the building and run to training.

I'm already late and it takes at least ten minutes to get to the school where the training is taking place from here. When I finally arrive at the compound, I don't waste a second and run into the locker room, which is almost empty. Only Louis and Niall are still sitting on one of the many benches in front of the lockers and seem to have forgotten the time. When I enter the room, Louis looks up and gives me a slight smile, which I return. I quickly sit down on an empty seat and start changing, not looking again and again at Louis, who doesn't seem to feel any different. At least I feel his eyes on me from time to time, which makes everything inside me tingle and my heartbeat double.

"Louis training has started, we have to go," I hear Niall say, who then stands up with the feather haired boy. Together they leave the locker room, but before they do he turns to me again and hints at a kissy mouth, which makes the blush shoot up my cheek. Grinning, I watch the two of them until I tie my last shoelace, grab my water bottle and join my team on the pitch, who are already practising their passes. "Tomlinson, Styles, Horan - you're late!" Carlos yells across the pitch. I look at him, startled. "Run seven laps around the course. Let's go!" he orders. Sighing, I comply and start to run the laps around the big football field. Well, jogging to be honest. In front of me Niall and Louis are running and talking to each other.

You, I And Our Little Sunshine || Larry mpreg || Book I [English Translation] Where stories live. Discover now