28 - acceptance

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To coincide with my birthday, here is the 28th chapter and as we all know, in most fanfictions something happens to Larry that changes the course of the plot.

You'll find out whether and how the plot changes as you read.

As always, I would be happy to receive comments and votes.

Have fun reading. <3

[POV Louis]

The coach keeps his word and doesn't let me play in the game, which of course I don't like. Nevertheless, I put on my jersey and sit next to Harry on the bench, where substitutes regularly sit. But today it's not the case because a whole four players are out - Chris, Adrian, Harry and me - and our team just managed to start and play. All the time I'm seething with anger, while Harry talks to me soothingly and tries to lighten my mood.

But how am I supposed to lighten my mood when our team is about to lose? They're playing badly, well badly is perhaps a bit of an exaggeration, but you're not used to what they're delivering at the moment. Niall has taken over as captain, as he has done the last few times. You can actually hear him yelling across the field all the time, telling his teammates how to play and what we've learned. When I see Harry tense up in the corner of my eye and turn pale around the nose, I react quickly and take him to the toilets where he vomits up his breakfast. With this combination of food, it's no wonder.

After he has freshened up and I hand him a piece of chewing gum, which he puts straight into his mouth, I give him another kiss on the cheek before we go back to the game. Harry seeks my closeness the whole time, which is why I give in and put my arm around his shoulder in a friendly way, even though this is obviously not a friendship but more between us. My boyfriend grins blissfully to himself and whispers a 'thank you' before we rejoin the coach, who by now has sat down on the bench and is watching the football game strained and narrowed-eyed.

''I can still play,'' I let my suggestion be known. Who knows if it would really make any difference to the miserable situation, but it never hurts to try, doesn't it ? Carlos gives me an annoyed look, which silences me immediately as I want to add something to what I said before. "You're certainly not entering the field," my coach grumbles, keeping his eyes on the action. In the end, we barely win, which makes us all quite happy as we are one round further. In the second half of the game, I noticed that he wavered from time to time whether he should really let me play. His looks gave him away. But he didn't follow his train of thought and left me on the bench until the last minute.

Pouting, I look at my boyfriend who is running a hand over his stomach, which I would not have thought of him because he is in public and there are a lot of students, and even teachers, who have treated him badly all these last weeks. But I am even happier that for the moment he is not thinking about the others and is following his instincts, in this case to stroke his belly. It makes me proud. Smiling, he pats my upper arm, apparently wanting to appease me a little, so I give him a broad smile. I lean over to him and whisper in his ear : "I love you." Harry's cheeks decorate a certain blush as I put more distance between us again and beam happily at him. "I love you too," he says softly to me, looking around as he says the words to make sure no one has heard.

"Are you coming to the office, Louis ?" the coach asks me as he walks towards us and the scouts he had apparently been talking to earlier move on. Without waiting for me, he runs to the building near the cabins. I pull my boyfriend up with me as I stand up and together we make our way to Carlos, who is already holding the door open for us. A little confused, he looks at Harry for coming along, but he doesn't say anything more about it.

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