42 - hurt

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Have fun reading. <3

[Harry's POV]

"Come here, Love.", Louis says softly as we both leave the cafeteria hand in hand and pulls me into his arms. I immediately wrap my arms around the blue-eyed boy's body and hide my face in the crook of his neck, where I let my tears run free. My body shakes uncontrollably from the sobs that keep coming and even when Louis buries his hand in my curly brown hair, it doesn't get any better.

It hurt me. The words from Eleanor's mouth hurt. Not that it's not normal coming from her, because it all is. It's more the fact of what she said that hurts and makes my heart contract painfully over and over again. I've heard the words too many times and still I haven't got used to them. "Don't listen to what she says Hazza. You know very well it's not true," he whispers in my ear and breathes light kisses on my temple. I press myself even closer to him. His warmth, making me feel safe and secure. Only him and the these feelings I need. Nothing more.

"I love you, Sun." he breathes, pulling me a little closer to him, even though it's no longer necessary because there's no space between us. "I love you, Boo," I return softly. So softly that he can just barely understand and presses his lips tenderly to my forehead again in response. "I know it's not always easy, but don't take the words to heart. They all just don't know what they are saying. Be it about your sexuality, about the baby or your music. Okay, baby?" he asks me, which is why I answer him with a nod and press my lips briefly against his neck.

"I should probably say it less because I struggle with the subject myself and I'm not really a role model in how I deal with it, but you can be proud of yourself. Of the person you are. It doesn't matter who you love. Nobody cares what you do with who in your spare time and who sleeps in your bed. It's not their life and theirs isn't yours either, which is why your life isn't their business and they can't say anything about it," he says softly and every now and then his lips make contact with my forehead, temple, cheek or even hair for a brief moment.

"In the same way, they are not allowed to judge your style of dress. You like to wear more feminine clothes and colours according to society ? So what? It is your body that you should feel comfortable in and if it helps you to wear these things, then so be it. No one has to tell you what you can and cannot wear. It's not written down anywhere that boys can only wear those things and girls can only wear those things or colours. Plus, I love your new style of dressing because you are really blossoming now. I love to see your eyes light up and you grin like a honey cake horse every time you try on one of your new clothes. But my opinion doesn't really matter because you have to like it. You have to feel comfortable with it and if that's the case, then I accept that. You are still the same. Your clothes don't make a difference and it shouldn't make a difference to anyone else. It's just a part of you," he encourages me with his words, which make me cry more than I thought.

"The next point would be the nail polish. H, Love, if you like painting your nails, then do it. Just like with clothes, you only have to like it and no one has to care. It's a part of you and if someone doesn't accept it, then that person doesn't deserve to be in your life. Painted nails make you beautiful, Sun. They make you shine and to be honest I like my light blue nails too. They look good on me, don't you think? I should paint them more often. Next time maybe in a green like your eyes or a bright pink. What do you think?" he says softly, which makes me giggle and pull away from him a little so I can look into his eyes. "I think green would look great," I mumble, staring at his light blue painted fingernails, which he holds up to my nose. "Then I guess that's decided," my boyfriend decides and nods with a grin before putting his loosened arm around me again.

You, I And Our Little Sunshine || Larry mpreg || Book I [English Translation] Where stories live. Discover now