43 - storm

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Have fun reading. <3

[Harry's POV]

The longer I stare at the closed front door, the more I notice the cool breeze that has been swirling through the air all day, driving the last discoloured leaves from the trees to the ground. I want to pull my jacket closer to me, but only now do I remember that it is hanging inside. There, where my mobile phone and my keys are.

My gaze wanders to the garden gate, which is locked. Actually, it should be, because Jay is always watching it so that the twins don't escape. Louis had once told me that the two of them had gone wandering on their own and hadn't let Jay know, which was a shock for her when she went to fetch the two sisters from their rooms for dinner and they weren't there. For Jay, a world collapsed at that moment, as she was afraid that something bad had happened. Only after the whole family had searched for the two and Louis had finally found them in the playground near the sports field, Jay was able to calm down again and had ordered everyone to lock the garden gate.

Nevertheless, I try to jiggle the handle, but of course the gate remains locked. Sighing, I look up at the sky, which is closing in more and more and the wind has also picked up quite a bit. They had forecast some showers and a storm for this afternoon, but it should only hit us at the edge. I feel a bit queasy at the thought, as I've never been a big fan of storms or thunderstorms and now I'm out here and don't quite know what to do.

Louis is at training right now and that should go on for a while. It's a 20-minute walk to get to the football pitch. Since I have no other option anyway, I just go there. Sighing, I pull my sleeves of the purple knitted jumper over my fingers, hoping they will warm me up a bit. As I walk and the wind makes itself clearly felt, my thoughts keep wandering to the business card I got from Mr McLean today and also to the incident in the canteen.

So really believing that someone sees my singing as a talent and really wants to make something of me and help me achieve my dream - to become a singer, to produce albums, to fill arenas - doesn't really resonate with me yet. Louis keeps saying I have a beautiful voice and a real talent for turning my thoughts and feelings into songs, but still, part of me thinks it's not and that my music teacher is exaggerating and so is my fuzzy head so I don't feel bad.

My eyes dart around the street and when a branch falls on the pavement next to me, I flinch and wrap my arm protectively around my stomach. Until now, I haven't really thought about what it will be like when my sunshine is born and I actually pursue my music career. Will I even see them then ? What about when I'm on tour ? Or generally on the road all the time ? Will they even know me then ? A queasy feeling spreads through me, which is why I gently stroke my stomach and try to calm my heart a little, which is clearly beating too fast because of all my thoughts.

"I will do everything I can to be a good dad to you...or a mum. I don't want you to have the same childhood as me," I murmur softly and can't stop my thoughts from wandering to my childhood and tears from forming in my eyes, which I try to blink away as quickly as I can. "I love you so much already, my little sunshine," I breathe out in a slightly trembling voice and lightly stroke the fabric of my jumper, which stretches over my round and clearly visible belly.

"Your papa loves you so much already too and can't wait to meet you. Neither of us can," I whisper, also afraid that someone might overhear the conversation, which is rather silly, after all, no one is outside in this weather. My eyes wander once around the area and I notice the dark, almost black front building up in front of me. I hate storms. My steps quicken a little to at least be with Louis when the rain starts to pound the earth and the wind is unstoppable.

You, I And Our Little Sunshine || Larry mpreg || Book I [English Translation] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin