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Luke jumped into the portal that he had made, it disappeared behind him. I turned around to face the girl. "Sawyer." I called out her name quietly, her breath was heavy and shaky, her eyes watery and her body shaking a bit.

Out of all the things I noticed it was that her sword was held in her hand, that she was ready to kill Luke. she dropped her sword to the ground, anyone could tell she was crumbling into pieces , I walked over to her, but she didnt look at me.

"Look at me." I say quietly, she looked at me. She looked tired, like everything in her life just didnt make sense anymore. "I need to go." I could barely hear her voice, her voice was shaky and not even a whisper. she looked down at the ground before wiping her cheeks and walking away.

I dont think she came out of her cabin after that day, other for the basic necessitates, during food time when someone would try to talk to her she would just look down the whole time then return back to her cabin.

It wasnt until four days after that she finally talked to me. She sat on the cliff that we did on the fourth of july, playing with one of the rings I could tell was Luke's. I sat down next to her and she looked at me then back at the ring.

"I dont understand." she kept the same tone, quiet and soft. "Maybe we  aren't supposed to understand." my eyes kept on her, noticing the features I hadn't yet. sawyer took a deep breath in.


We all soaked up eachothers attention, most of the last two days we spent together all having fun until we left camp. I didnt know if sawyer or Annabeth were leaving, all I knew was that they would be back next summer.

it was maybe 10 pm, and it was an hour after lights out. I was walking to the beach with grover. "I swear to the gods if we get caught!" grover complained in a whisper. the closer we got to the beach the louder the giggles got.

The two girls were giggling in the sand they both look at us as we walked up to them. Me and Grover put our towels down.

AnnaBeth and sawyer looked at eachother with a small laugh before they both got up quickly "last one in the water is a rotten egg!" The said in union, there voices filled with pure laughter.

I looked at Grover and we both started running down the dock, I think AnnaBeth was in the water first "you guys cheated!" I shouted with a laugh.

Of course Grover was faster than me, at the end he cannonballed into the water. "You cheaters!" I groaned as the cool water calmed my body.

"We are no cheaters, you're just slow." AnnaBeth groaned and I splashed her, she made the most dramatic gasp ever.

"Did you just splash me, seaweed brain?" She acted like I just did the worst thing known to man. The two girls shared another look, and it's like they could read eachothers mind.

They started a splash attack, AnnaBeth going for me and sawyer going for Grover. "Your gonna get my antlers wet!" He shouted though his antlers would be fine.

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