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expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy. unintentionally reveal; be evidence of.

 unintentionally reveal; be evidence of

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I laid on the beach on my stomach, it was one of the nicest days out. People were starting to pack up, like Aphrodite's kids since not a lot of monsters were out for them.

Sawyer was next to me, her legs crossed and a paintbrush in her hand. She was painting my back, I'm not sure what exactly she was painting but I just let her.

Her music played in the background, she sung to the lyrics quietly "what are you painting?" I asked her and she stopped "none of your business." She giggled.

The brush strokes tingled my back, but I tried to stay as still as possible. My head resting on my arms in the sand.

Anna-Beth and Grover came over to us, a smile on both of their faces. they sat down in the sand in front of me. "how long have you guys been here for?" Grover asked, "Not for long." I responded though I felt like we've been here for hours.

Sawyer dipped her brush into the now murky color, before going back to painting my back. Grover started ranting about where he was going to go first to look for pan. sawyer decided to take a break and we all decided to play uno.

"You assholes im not drawing 10 cards!" Sawyer was at 1 card and we all put down draw 2s, annabeth started drawing cards for her. "You guys cheat.." she mumbled grabbing the cards from annabeth.

It was a couple hours later and I was now back at my cabin, I dont really know what time it was but it was dark. Everyone was back at their cabins. Luke stepped into my cabin, his hands behind his back.

"Wanna go get one last training fight in before you leave?" he asked and I didnt know why but I had a off feeling about this. "Sure." I shake the feeling off, "Alright then!" he chuckles I followed him out of the cabin.

We went to our usual spot, the spot where we would train just 1 v 1. Fireworks were going off in the air as we walked through the forest. "Talk about a celebration." Luke nudged my shoulder, "Come on, you've said two words since we left your cabin."

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