meeting again

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Blaze was texting Jace to get out of meeting his brother's girlfriend. When Keith cough, Blaze looked up from his phone and was shocked it was the girl who he threw up on.

" you?!


Keith said " how do you guys know each other " while pulling the seat out or Hanna.

Hanna sat down said " thanks babe, so how do you know each other."

Blaze was about to say something when Kiroo said " He is boyfriend's friend."

When dinner was over, Blaze was about to say something when Keith handed him his car keys and said " Bro can you take home, Kiroo. "

Kiroo said " I'll call and uber."

Blaze said " its fine , i'll take you."


When they were about to exit the cemetery, Blaze said " you hungry cause i want -

He didn't hear her foot steps. Blaze turned around and faced her. He was about to ask her why she stopped walking when Kiroo said " I need you to stay calm."

Blaze gave a confused look and was about to say something when she took out a knife. His eyes went wide. After she throw it, He flinched. He then said " what the - he heard a groan. he turned around and saw a in a zombie form. He was in shocked until, he got pulled back and she transform and shot the zombie. When she changed back, he was shocked until she flicked his forehand.

When he snaped out of his shockness he threw up.

A month later in July.... they were having a movie marathon ..

Keith pov

When the movie was over, I was going to ask my girlfriend if she wanted to watch another movie. I looked to my left and saw that she was sleeping. I said " Blaze why don't you pop in another movie, Ill get a blanket."

I went upstairs to get a blanket from my room. When I came back down I heard my brother

said " be careful i don't want to see you in the Morge again."

" I'll be fine. Remember I'm a lycan slayer. Plus it's ten million thousand dollars."

Just as he was about to answer , I took a step and the stair creaked. Both of them looked at me. My brother whispered something to her. Kiroo said " I'll get more popcorn."

Third Pov

After Kiroo went into the kitchen, Blaze covered his girlfriend with the blanket and noticed that the bowl was on the coffee table .

Blaze said " she forgot the bowl." He took it and went in the kitchen and then was shocked making him drop the bowl.

Keith Pov

When I was in the kitchen with the bowl, I dropped it because I was in shocked. There was a monster exiting my back door.

When the monster turned around it started to walk towards me. When I took a step back. The monster took out a gun and my eyes went wide.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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