old story nonsense

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She swung her legs so that she is sitting up straight and then said " why are you sorry? It was just a.... Why do i hear your heart beat."

After Ethan sat down across from her and explained how he is cursed and that she is half cursed.

It was awkward and silent until he said " you're taking this very well unlike they other people that have kissed me."

Jessica said " so... just to be clear. You got saved by a guy who was a runaway from foster care. His blood is in your blood and I am half cursed because you saved me from dying.

" yes."

Jessica got up from the couch and said " you're crazy and I don't believe that i am half - She turned around quick and caught both knife that was about to hit her in the face. After She dropped the knife. She raised her fist and said " arsehole. Why the kcuf did you threw a gnikcuf knife at - She gasped becuse she saw claws coming out from her knuckles.

" you need to calm down you're sort of like me." Ethan said.

After she calm down. Jessica said " what do you mean I am sort of like you."

Kenzo said " I think i'll call Keith and let him explain it."

Old story

Third P.O.V.

Eve and MJ were making chicken sounds because Jess ( aka Jessica ) always pick truth.

Jess gave up and said " fine. what is it. "

" no take back."

Eve said " you're such a child."

MJ ( aka Monica ) who is Eve's friend said " anyways , I dare you to kiss the guy who lives next door. "

" no way."

" you're a chicken."

" no I am not.... What if he is an old man.... What if he is a crazy guy with -

Eve said " no take backs."

MJ said " no take backs.

Jessica groan and said " fine."

When they were out in the hallway. Jessica knocked on apartment room 205 snice Eve lives in apartment 204.

Jess prayed that it was on old man. When the door open she was a little shocked that it was a guy who was sort of the same age as her. She grabbed his shirt collar since he was two inches taller than her. She whisper in his ear not to freak out. After she let go of his shirt collar she pushed him inside walked inside and shut the door.

Ethan P.O.V.

I had just got home from my job which is a supernatural hitman. You see let me introduce myself. I was born normal until i got into a car accident. I became a zomwolf. I didn't believe the Keith until i became one.

Four months ago when i had turned 18 and it happened. And now I stay away from everyone. My Job is to capture supernatural being or kill them.

After i had finished wiped the foggy mirror I sense a human at my front door step. I got dressed thinking that it Kenzo because always crashes on Friday night.

When i opened the door i saw a girl around my age standing there. I was just about to say something when she pulled my collar shirt and whispered in my ear. I was four inches taller than her she had to stand on her tippy toes to grab my shirt.

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