email junk & story

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Truly madly - savage garden

Someone - capaldi

Used to be young - Miley c

Chapter 10

Nick pov

I woke up Because some one poured water in my face. I was just about to wipe my face when I felt that I couldnt move my arm. When I looked down I notice o was tied down. I was freaking out, until a girl walked tords me. After she untapped my mouth, she said sorry to wake you up but I have no

patience. Anyways what gang are you working for.

I said ouch. And I dont work for a gang.

She took five steps back. I was about to ask who she is and why she kidnapped me when she took out a gun I gulped. She took it off safety mode and the said would like to try again.

Just as I was about to say something, the door bust. The girl whos holding the gun said Kiroo how many times to have to tell you to knock.

sorry sis but its - bang bag.

Third pov

Nick forze when he heard gun shot. The girl holding the gun said no matter what happens you escape with Neal.

dont I get a gun to protect him now me.

I dont work for a gang.

She took out a gun from her back

New story

old story

Eve P.O.V.

I woke up and found myself in a funeral home. I was curious who was in the casket. Just as I was about to take a step forward, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was the guy who was shot. After he introduce himself, he snaped his fingers and the next thing you know we are in a office. After he introduce me to his sister and his friend, I was about to say something when his sister Kiroo said " sign here and you will be back in your body but just differently."

Third P.O.V.

Just as Eve was about to sign the paper, she said " what do you mean differently."

After Kiroo explained everything , Eve said " So I caused your prisoners to escape and they are after me because i opened a portal.

Kiroo said " sign here, and Slev will guide you."

Slev looked at his sister and then Slev said " why do i have to go."

Kiroo was about to say something when Pete said " I will guide her, I want to know what it likes live to live on a different planet."

After Eve signed the contract, she got a burned mark on her shoulder and the next thing you know she passed out.

Nothing but heartbreak - coraleigh24

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