movie night

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HWC - Her world change

Chapter redo 6

* Rinka's half curse is that she turned into wolverine aka the x-men character not the animal. Also she has a computer chip in her brain. ( If you watch i boy 2017 movie you would get what i am taking about)

Saturday night....

When Rinka had just finished getting ready for her date, her phone rang.

Thinking out loud - ed Sheehan

After she read the text message that read I'm sick.

Rinka was about to reply but she decided to surprise him.

She changed out of her dress and into jean shorts and a crop top. After she made homemade soup texted her sister that she's spending the night with Noah. She got in her car and drove to his place.

Riker Pov

After I let myself in, I decide to go upstairs to wake him up and surprise him. As I got closer to his room I heard moans. Sometimes he moans in his sleep, I decided to wake him up. When I pulled off the blanket i was shock to see him in bed with my best friend. I quickly and quietly got out before they would notice. I walked out of his house and started thinking why did he lie. What did i do to deserve this.

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