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Hot Tottie - Usher ft Jay

The next day... Eve's P.O.V.

I woke up and notice that i was in the VIP room in Evergreen hotel. I was freaked out for moment and then I remembered everything.

Eve's P.O.V. ( Flash back... )

I was on my way to my cousin's bar when i got a notification from Boomer that he needs help to capture the banshee. After Boom and i left the pawn shop with the briefcase, He said " let's party."

I said " fine, but I am not getting drunk."

Five hours later...

They were both in jail. Eve was in jail for throwing up in the fountain park and Boomer for pissing in the water fountain in the park. After Fofo and Deku bailed them out, He said " I can't believe you guys."

Eve was bout to say something when she threw up on Deku and then passed out.

End of flashback.

I got out bed and walked towards the window. When I open the curtain the view of city was great. I got dressed and was going to leave when the there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and A waiter with a cart of food was standing there , I was bout to say something when the waiter said " here's your free breakfast."

After he left, I pulled the cart inside the room an began to eat. After i ate the bacon and eggs with toast , I read the letter.

Third P.O.V.

The letter that Deku wrote read : here is your free breakfast, This is the last time I am giving free breakfast. Come to my office. "

After Eve read Deku's letter, she laughed and then got dressed to go see him not before leaving a note for Boomer snice he was still sleeping.

When Eve got to his office, he handed her a key an told her never lose the key.

Eve's P.O.V.

I gave him a confused look when De ( aka Deku) gave me a key. He said " The key is a transportal door way to this hotel." in a mean tone.

I laugh and said " thank you father."

He said " shut up. Or you going to pay for both."

I said " for both ?"

He said " I bailed you out and you threw on my suit."

" Oh."

Deku said " just get out before i changed my mind."

I smirked and left the room. When I was out of the hotel i called an uber snice my car was Boomer's place.

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